Here we go again, in alphabetical order (it will help me with the filing):
Orlando Bloom
I like him. He’s cute. Just don’t tell Ashlee, or she’ll kill me.
Vincent Cassel
He played the cat burglar in Ocean’s Twelve. He’s hot because of his dance moves whilst trying to break in to…. (I’m not telling, you should see the movie).
Hayden Christensen
Can I be honest? I haven’t seen a single Star Wars movie. The lady at the Mohawk says I should watch the old three, then Episodes 1 and 2 and then finish it off with Revenge of the Sith in theatres. I might do just that. In the meantime, this guy is Canada’s hottie of the summer, and if HE'S in it, I'll go.
Johnny Depp
When I was little I had a crush on Edward Scissor Hands. Now, I think I prefer him like this.
Jakob Dylan
He got some of daddy’s talent, and he’s slightly better looking than Bob. I think I need to listen to the Wallflowers again. It’s good times.
Billy Idol
Kelly is in love with a young Billy Idol. Whenever he’s on tv, as he is now, she freaks out.
Kell: Father time was a real bitch to Billy Idol. Ewww…. He should have been frozen back when he was hot. Then we could have waited until I was old enough to marry him and then we could have thawed him out!
After seeing these three on Tuesday, I’ve concluded that they will always be hot. The good news about people who are hot not necessarily for their looks but for other things, is that when they’re old, they still have hot potential.
John Mayer
John Mayer is a great guitar player, mostly because of hard work and long fingers. Stef often complains of her tiny nubbin hands, and I do feel like there is a versatility that the long-fingered have. John, who I have also seen live, is a great performer, but he tends to look a little goofy when he’s singing. He calls him self a turkey with a disappearing neck. But, I did manage to find a couple goodies! Hot stuff.
Jason Mraz
I wouldn’t have called him hot until I saw him live a few Decembers ago. Such talent, and such a stage presence. He was sick and sipping on hot tea all evening, but his voice held out until the show was done and I became a fan for life.
Jesse Spencer
I was convinced for the longest time that this doctor on House was Jeremy London. Apparently not. He plays a bit of a jerk sometimes, but I guess since his dad is terminally ill, he has some things that he needs to work out. Note to self: he’s not really a doctor, Sara. He’s an actor. An AC-TOR.
Ben Taylor
Another spawn of musicians, except this time he got the double dose. Mom is Carly Simon and dad is James Taylor. I’ve never heard any of his stuff, but I saw him on the cover of Rolling Stone and that was all I needed.
So there's version
The first edition can be found