The Death Mobile
My car stalled 7 times on the way to work today. The best time was when I was trying to merge onto the 99. Thank goodness I know where my hazard lights are. Stupid car.
I'm the kind of person who really tries not to let money stress me out, but I've been having a lot of trouble with that lately. 500 to the podiatrist, 300 so far to the physiotherapist, a kinesiologist in the near future (at 55 bucks a visit), a car that has cost $1000 since January (a third of what was paid for it), and then there's this whole AUSTRALIA thing that I am not even allowing to register in my brain yet. I write all this fully aware that I have it SO good compared to many. And yet, even though my brain can tell me that everything will be ok, I can't help but stress. Because what it comes down to is that I'm caught in a vicious cycle now. I have to work more to make the money to afford to take care of, among other things, my health. At the same time, however, not having had a break at all has left me burned out and exhausted. So it's just stinky.
I'm just sitting at work waiting for Mike Siu to show up so that he can drive The Death Mobile back to his place to fix it. I'll tell him that it can't break down for the next 48 days or I might have a nervous breakdown :).
Plans for tonight include True Lies with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, combined with some sitting, and probably some reading. I borrowed Shake Hands with the Devil from Ashlee's Dad last night and I'm interested to start it soon. Even more interested than I was before I talked to Ashlee's dad. The last person I talked to said of Dallaire: "the man is a hero". Ashlee's dad had a slightly different take on the work: "He's a whiney little prick". So... with that it mind I guess I'll have to form my own opinion (oooh scary stuff).
I'm the kind of person who really tries not to let money stress me out, but I've been having a lot of trouble with that lately. 500 to the podiatrist, 300 so far to the physiotherapist, a kinesiologist in the near future (at 55 bucks a visit), a car that has cost $1000 since January (a third of what was paid for it), and then there's this whole AUSTRALIA thing that I am not even allowing to register in my brain yet. I write all this fully aware that I have it SO good compared to many. And yet, even though my brain can tell me that everything will be ok, I can't help but stress. Because what it comes down to is that I'm caught in a vicious cycle now. I have to work more to make the money to afford to take care of, among other things, my health. At the same time, however, not having had a break at all has left me burned out and exhausted. So it's just stinky.
I'm just sitting at work waiting for Mike Siu to show up so that he can drive The Death Mobile back to his place to fix it. I'll tell him that it can't break down for the next 48 days or I might have a nervous breakdown :).
Plans for tonight include True Lies with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, combined with some sitting, and probably some reading. I borrowed Shake Hands with the Devil from Ashlee's Dad last night and I'm interested to start it soon. Even more interested than I was before I talked to Ashlee's dad. The last person I talked to said of Dallaire: "the man is a hero". Ashlee's dad had a slightly different take on the work: "He's a whiney little prick". So... with that it mind I guess I'll have to form my own opinion (oooh scary stuff).
Bubba giving you troubles, eh? Hope he gets better, and all your knee crap too. Not fun at all.
we need to catch up!
is it seriously 48 days until Oz? If so, that is insanity!
love ya chickie
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 12:15 p.m.
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