huzzah. i'm going to take an example from dean and not use capitals. he's pretty frickin' smart, so maybe it will make me more intelligent as well! last exam finished hella early; the schedule said 150 minutes but the test said 100 minutes so i was outta there way earlier than planned. i caught zahida before she left work (she works at ubc) and we went to calhoun's for a celebratory dinner and chat. considering she works at my school, i haven't seen her in ages. go figure.
after a wonderful catch up with the z, she walked me to the bus stop. passed my english 221 prof (who gave me a nice big fat 'a' in the course so there's another notch for his cool belt. first derrida, now this. the man has taste HAHAHAHA). he didn't notice and i was too involved in the old game of "i know that person from somewhere" to say anything. so here's to you, dr. peter mahon! thanks for inspiring me with the promise of an undergraduate degree filled with linguistic conspiracy!
i, sara johanne, have done it again. i managed to find the denman st. house without getting lost. it was fan-frickin' tastic. i enjoyed a bellini (an odd bellini, but a good bellini nonetheless) with helen and miranda and some of helen's friends in celebration of len's 20th. bellinis in a cute little lounge, sunset at the beach, catching up with old friends, end of term... beautiful.
the number 6 bus driver was nice enough to tell me how to get to the 351 and even called out "howe street" nice and loud so that i knew what to do. i've concluded that nice bus drivers really make the world a better place. sometimes they have the ability to make or break my day.
the ride home was filled with today's copy of dose. my mom's friend is the marketing director and wants me to email her with my critique if i would be so kind. the mag itself is good enough for reading when you're on the bus, but they definitely need to work on delivery. being attacked on all four corners of broadway and granville by poor employees trying to fling copies of dose, metro, 24, and the asian daily news at me is not my idea of a beautiful morning. at least wait until i'm awake so that i can at least defend myself. break some legs or something. i should bring in the big guns. where's my sister?
a flurry of text messages followed. apparently, people, love is in the air, just in time for spring. cuteness. i love it.
tomorrow's plans include bussing to ubc (are you kidding me? sick, man) so that i can get my advisor discussion log done and handed in, then going downtown with megs (who is a treasure). both the tomko girls taking the day off to cause mayhem and run amok. dad's not too pleased, but i figure i should take at least one day off before i start back in the warehouse fulltime. in the evening i'm going to do the ethical addictions thing with miss ashlee. she and lucy have been bugging me to try it out since about october. damn kwantlen kids. gotta love 'em. and i do. actually, maybe lucy can come. i haven't seen that fantastic lady since.... the aids walk? no, it must not be that long. regardless, the fact that i can't remember is a bad sign.
and now, if you please, i am going to do something that i've been waiting eagerly to do since christmas break: i'm going to read a book that has nothing to do with school. the only question is.... which one? *rubs hands together eagerly*
after a wonderful catch up with the z, she walked me to the bus stop. passed my english 221 prof (who gave me a nice big fat 'a' in the course so there's another notch for his cool belt. first derrida, now this. the man has taste HAHAHAHA). he didn't notice and i was too involved in the old game of "i know that person from somewhere" to say anything. so here's to you, dr. peter mahon! thanks for inspiring me with the promise of an undergraduate degree filled with linguistic conspiracy!
i, sara johanne, have done it again. i managed to find the denman st. house without getting lost. it was fan-frickin' tastic. i enjoyed a bellini (an odd bellini, but a good bellini nonetheless) with helen and miranda and some of helen's friends in celebration of len's 20th. bellinis in a cute little lounge, sunset at the beach, catching up with old friends, end of term... beautiful.
the number 6 bus driver was nice enough to tell me how to get to the 351 and even called out "howe street" nice and loud so that i knew what to do. i've concluded that nice bus drivers really make the world a better place. sometimes they have the ability to make or break my day.
the ride home was filled with today's copy of dose. my mom's friend is the marketing director and wants me to email her with my critique if i would be so kind. the mag itself is good enough for reading when you're on the bus, but they definitely need to work on delivery. being attacked on all four corners of broadway and granville by poor employees trying to fling copies of dose, metro, 24, and the asian daily news at me is not my idea of a beautiful morning. at least wait until i'm awake so that i can at least defend myself. break some legs or something. i should bring in the big guns. where's my sister?
a flurry of text messages followed. apparently, people, love is in the air, just in time for spring. cuteness. i love it.
tomorrow's plans include bussing to ubc (are you kidding me? sick, man) so that i can get my advisor discussion log done and handed in, then going downtown with megs (who is a treasure). both the tomko girls taking the day off to cause mayhem and run amok. dad's not too pleased, but i figure i should take at least one day off before i start back in the warehouse fulltime. in the evening i'm going to do the ethical addictions thing with miss ashlee. she and lucy have been bugging me to try it out since about october. damn kwantlen kids. gotta love 'em. and i do. actually, maybe lucy can come. i haven't seen that fantastic lady since.... the aids walk? no, it must not be that long. regardless, the fact that i can't remember is a bad sign.
and now, if you please, i am going to do something that i've been waiting eagerly to do since christmas break: i'm going to read a book that has nothing to do with school. the only question is.... which one? *rubs hands together eagerly*
Wow! It sure looks like you have a very busy life! Congratulations on being able to do all that, and still post!
About the book, if I may make a few suggestions:
- "The Death of Artemio Cruz", by Carlos Fuentes
- "Gertrude", by Hermann Hesse
- "Foundation", by Isaac Asimov
Hope you enjoy your reading!
Hari Seldon, at 11:08 p.m.
Read Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy b yDouglas Adams (the quadrilogy version - it is misnamed as the trilogy version - any other version is incomplete).
Or for other light hearted silliness Around ireland With a Fridge by Tony Hawks.
Or Dave Gorman's Googlwhack Adventure by Dave Gorman.
Or A Short History of Everything by Bill Bryson (educational and comedic).
Or anything my Michael Moore.
Or anything by Dan Brown (chessy coz everyone else is reading it but it is intriguing and well written to keep you gripped).
Mike, at 2:43 p.m.
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