Sara's Ramblings

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Oh Bruce, how you amuse me.

From: Bruce Macdonald
Subject: student list.xls
Date: January 31, 2007 9:09:07 AM PST (CA)
To: Sara Macdonald

here is listing of the kids that mom uses for her financials

[he’s attached an Excel spreadsheet here]


From: Sara Macdonald
Subject: Re: student list.xls
Date: January 31, 2007 9:48:24 AM PST (CA)
To: Bruce Macdonald

Wrong email address again :)

I’m not your daughter but have a great day!

~ Sara


My current area of refuge.
this morning,
I have managed
to look like my sister
(which doesn't happen
very often)
and also
like some sort of bug :).
I look tired,
but I'm actually feeling
mostly rested
after spending
the entire bus ride
listening to Au4.
I didn't get
any reading done,
but I think it was a
good choice.
I woke up praying
this morning; it was nice!

They're practicing German in the classroom with which my back is sharing a wall. "Ich gehe in die kneipe fur eine kaltes bier" (I think that's how you spell it). That's all I remember from German 100, but it's probably all I need :p.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I just deleted Tetris off my computer.

It's for the best.

But oh I'm sad.


Sarabucks II

This stunning drawing (Trevor David Meier, ink and cardstock, 2007) is a blueprint for the new logo... once I take over, that is. You'll note the little gremlin thingy, and hopefully you are intimidated. Pardon the blurriness of the photo; I was giggling quite a bit as I held the piece of paper up to my iSight. I don't think it takes away from the overall effect of the piece of art, though. It's still a masterpiece, I won't lie. Still a masterpiece.

Monday, January 29, 2007


This is Terry; I love her.

Back at work, on my break. Had to check for a v. important email so I figured I might as well say hello. Hello.


ps - I will amend this later to include a sketch of the new logo of our store.... tee hee.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

It was so dead at work this evening that they sent me home early - huzzah and woot! I'm just about to sit down and watch "The Illusionist" with my mom. I worked most of the weekend, but I'm trying to at least have a bit of a restful evening. It's my new thing to make it a priority to go into the new week just slightly more rested.

In talking to Beth recently--and she is one of the most insightful people I know--, I think she hit the nail on the head: when you plan to take that time, you don't feel quite so guilty as you do when you just procrastinate and don't get things done... plus, if you plan to rest, it's something you're almost certain to actually follow through, although sometimes things do come up :p.

It's meant working pretty hard Monday through Friday, but I think I like this better than just being stressed 24/7 :).

When I was living in Fairy Meadow, I used to go here to relax. Click to enlarge... isn't it beautiful?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

And who could forget Tuesday?

I realized I never blogged about certain Tuesday "festitivies". How silly!!

Tuesday morning I had it in my head that I was going to do a few errands before heading to Tomko and then to UBC. Parked at the IHOP/TD Canada Trust parking lot on 152 and 24th, I grabbed some money to bring round to PPAC. When I got back into my car and tried to start it... nothing. Tried again. Nothing. It wasn't even clicking or turning over. I didn't drive during the snow that we had a few weeks ago, but it had worked fine the previous evening, so I was surprised and a tiny bit annoyed.

Dad got me an emergency car charger from Canadian Tire, so I plugged the little bugger in and wandered down to the church on foot. It needed 15-30 minutes to work its magic, it said.

Scott wasn't around, so I harrassed Trev for 20 minutes or so, then made my way back up 152 to where my car was *hopefully* ready to start. Insert key into igntion. Still nothing. Boo. I called Mom, then BCAA, who informed me it would be 50-60 minutes before they'd be able to come... I won't lie, it made me a bit sad, since I could see their office from where I was standing. Ah well. Called mom back, and she came to try and jump my car. Her cables weren't long enough to reach, but there was a kind and crazy old gentleman whose cables were like, 700' long (I kid), and who was able to hook us up. We got the car started just as BCAA pulled into the parking lot and as I was on old trying to cancel the service call. Figures!

I thought, well since I've already used up this call, I might as well get some advice from Mr. BCAA. He recommended that I not turn off the car for 45 minutes or so, so as to get a good charge in the battery. Alternator was fine; he thought it was just from not driving in for those two weeks when it was so cold.

Sooooo, I thought I might as well pick up the mug that I'd forgotten in Trev's office, and drove back to PPAC. Sitting in the parking lot, I repeated over and over to myself, 'DO NOT TURN OFF THE CAR! DO NOT TURN OFF THE CAR!'

Get out of the car: check
Keys still in the ignition: check
Lock door: (to prevent theft of laptop): check
Close door: check
Drop jaw as I realize what I've just done: check


By the time I made it to Trevor's office, I was laughing so hard I'm sure my face was beet red. He was polite and only laughed at me for 35 or so minutes before grabbing his keys and, in a moment of chivalry, driving me to my house to get my spare set.

If this had happened on TV, a better ending to this story would have been another call to BCAA, whereupon the same guy would have arrived to deal with the same car, same girl, different location, different problem. But since it was me, I'm glad that didn't happen.

Friday, January 26, 2007

A mile from here, there is a hole...

I think it's a fair estimate to say I've been to over a hundred gigs by this point in my life; probably more. Tonight's ranks in my Top 5, without a doubt.

Au4 blew me away. I stood there, slack-jawed and suspended in one place for the majority of the performance.

Actually, y'know, it would be fair to use a naughty pun to describe the experience: it was aurgasmic.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ponderings and slowly turning wheels...

Jonathan Schell on genocide:

"Murder is a crime that, by destroying individual lives, violates the legal and moral order of a community; extermination is a crime that, by destroying an entire community is a crime against the family of communities that make up humankind.”

I'm taking an amazing class this semester--actually, all of my classes so far have been exceptional, but nevertheless--called Ethics and Morality in World Politics. This kind of thing is good for me; it's hard to make a strong argument based on how I "feel" about things... maybe it'll help me learn how to articulate why I feel the way I do about things. Like, how the world is, how it ought to be, how it got this way... and maybe at the end of the day, what's to be done. Emotion is an extremely powerful thing and it dictates a lot of what we do. Then, so is education, and I think a marriage of the two is more powerful still.

So, I'll leave you, Cyberspace, with a question posed to us at the beginning of last class:

"Does the international community have an interest in seeing justice done in case of mass atrocities even if own societies [i.e., the society in which the atrocities are being committed] unable / unwilling to do so? Why?" - R. Price

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Diogenes knew that the invitation to think as a world citizen was, in a sense, an invitation to be an exile from the comfort of patriotism and its easy sentiments, to see our own ways of life from the point of view of justice and the good.

-Martha Nussbaum

Monday, January 22, 2007

Definitely one of the highlights of the last month!

Monday, January 08, 2007

The newest hairbrained scheme!

"I am a dreamer... take me higher" - Bethany Dillon

I was sitting on the bus this morning, thinking away to myself, when all of a sudden, an idea popped into my head. It grew and grew, arriving at its fever pitch at exactly 12.03pm (according to my phone, and UBC's clock tower). It's been a few hours now, and I've calmed down slightly, but I remain very excited. I want to do another fundraising event of some sort. I'll keep it cryptic for now, but I think I'm going to aim high... higher than I think I can reach. At least then, I figure I'll reach higher than if I aimed low, yeah?

I blog now because I want the accountability of knowing at a few people are reading this... otherwise I might get lazy and give up and no-one would even know... plus, as Stef says: "the law of attraction says that like attracts like. Now that you've put that thought out into the universe, hopefully the universe will find the other 'like' to match it with".

Social justice... God, let me know where You want me to go with this, if You're up for it... use me if that's Your plan. :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Not drunk, just unattractive...

... and wearing antlers, apparently! It's so hideous I HAD to post it on the Internet. It just makes sense. If you click on the image it will grow EXPONENTIALLY LARGER (which is what you've always wanted, I know) - Huzzah!

Happy New Year and all that jazz! Back from Chicago (had a freaking amazing time, stories and pics to come), enjoyed a stellar new years at the new Emmerton compound. It's been a mahvelous week, I must say.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Spindletop...