Sara's Ramblings

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ponderings and slowly turning wheels...

Jonathan Schell on genocide:

"Murder is a crime that, by destroying individual lives, violates the legal and moral order of a community; extermination is a crime that, by destroying an entire community is a crime against the family of communities that make up humankind.”

I'm taking an amazing class this semester--actually, all of my classes so far have been exceptional, but nevertheless--called Ethics and Morality in World Politics. This kind of thing is good for me; it's hard to make a strong argument based on how I "feel" about things... maybe it'll help me learn how to articulate why I feel the way I do about things. Like, how the world is, how it ought to be, how it got this way... and maybe at the end of the day, what's to be done. Emotion is an extremely powerful thing and it dictates a lot of what we do. Then, so is education, and I think a marriage of the two is more powerful still.

So, I'll leave you, Cyberspace, with a question posed to us at the beginning of last class:

"Does the international community have an interest in seeing justice done in case of mass atrocities even if own societies [i.e., the society in which the atrocities are being committed] unable / unwilling to do so? Why?" - R. Price


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