Not drunk, just unattractive...
Happy New Year and all that jazz! Back from Chicago (had a freaking amazing time, stories and pics to come), enjoyed a stellar new years at the new Emmerton compound. It's been a mahvelous week, I must say.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Spindletop...
I love you! Now get in m'tub! You need to come see our new furniture! AND OUR NEW KITTENS! Going to get them shortly!!!!! xoxoxox
Love Jam
Anonymous, at 11:34 a.m.
happy new year babe, looking good! I'm here in Bonnie Glasgow, Scotland, having a great time. Will see you soon!!!!
know which Macdonald clan you originate from?
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 8:37 a.m.
That could be one of 3 answers, 2 of which are completely silly and shall be revealed forthwith (I couldn't resist):
1. The Macdonald of Scotland Macdonald clan. Obvious, wasn't it. (No, porobably not).
Not knowing much about the clans of Scotland I clearly didn't realise there was more than 1 clan Macdonald. Would make it rather confusing for the less-intelligent members of the Macdonald clan when declaring war on the other Macdonald clan. How would you know who was who?
2. The Ronald Macdonald clan.
Back to my pit now for another 1000 years...
Mike, at 11:36 a.m.
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