Would you look at how early it is? And I've been up for half an hour. It's ok, though... LAST EXAM AT 8 30 WOOOOOOOOOT.
Just sitting here with my canned breakfast (can't handle solid foods this early in the morning it seems), waiting for my brain to turn on so that I can re-read my class notes. Nothing too heavy; it's not like I'm suddenly going to wrap my head around anything amazing this close to sitting the exam... just reviewing.
Got a good sleep, which followed productive studying at Starbucks in the morning/afternoon, and not-so-productive studying at home. Oh Starbucks, how you continue to define our generation...
Sall kept me hooked up with drinks (GRATUIT! Parce qu'elle m'aime!) and then John showed up (apparently he had been texting her) armed with an iPod full of lovely new things for Baby Mac. Baby Mac? Mac Baby? Jury's still out. Anyway, he (the computer)'s so pimped out now, it's awesome. A quick cameo by Trev and a phone call from Mom and Kell and I was outta there around 4 30. I like that S'bucks; it's not jam-packed all the time like certain other stores in the neighborhood.
So what is the point of all this? Not a darn thing. I still have yet to blog about funner funner things (like a run-in with the law last week GASP!), but for now, I'm just chillin' for a few, getting ready for the day ahead. And umm... I missed my computer. *cough* NERD *cough*
ps - as stated previously, I promised ManCandy with my maiden Mac'D post... so here is a Mini-Mancandy:

This is my cousin's son, Kye. (Mommy Shelice and Daddy Bryan, I think I blogged about their wedding in the first month of the The Ramblings). He's a bit older than this now but sooooooo precious. Looks just like his Dad and is for the most part a happy smiley baby. Such the cuteness! I have been thinking that I might try to get him to call me Auntie Sara even though technically I'm not...