You know what I could go for right about now? A nice big cup of coffee with just a smidgen of fluency in Spanish. Gloria AnzaldĂșa is taking me to the cleaners with this switching back and forth business. And at 5 15 in the morning, the world and everything in it is making less and less sense.
Roxy is outside right now (AGAIN, after an altercation with the papergirl), and I wonder if she understands how close I am to kicking her tiny, hairy little butt. Nah, don't worry, I'd never do that (the dog has me whipped, remember?), but nevertheless, she is very, very annoying sometimes.
Como es Juan?
Juan es babosa.
Roxy is outside right now (AGAIN, after an altercation with the papergirl), and I wonder if she understands how close I am to kicking her tiny, hairy little butt. Nah, don't worry, I'd never do that (the dog has me whipped, remember?), but nevertheless, she is very, very annoying sometimes.
Como es Juan?
Juan es babosa.
Dios mio, tu escribio en espanol, y no lo se. Por eso, estoy muy triste ahora.
No eres una babosa, pero en realidad, eres una mujer linda.
Do you wish you were fluent in Spanish even more now?
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 7:58 p.m.
No... I perfectly understood that.
"My God, you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. I'm practically turned on, and I LIKE MEN. Wow.
Sara must have a lot of hot going on in order to to that."
See? I've been practicing.
Sara, at 12:34 p.m.
Wow, you HAVE been practicing! I have taught you well :)
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 10:51 p.m.
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