Much Ado About Nothing

Kiri was here all last week and it was just... wonderful. I got to hog her from last Saturday until Sunday when we said sad goodbyes at the Abbotsford Airport. We didn’t do a whole lot other than just enjoy one another’s company, which is friendship at its best as far as I’m concerned. I’m so glad to have her; she’s a beautiful, beautiful girl, not only on the outside, but inside where it counts most.

On Friday night we went to Tinseltown to hear Megs sing. She sounded beautiful, even though the gig was a bit of a gong show - gallery opening; lots of arty folk. The guy in the tutu... well let's just say I wasn't turned on. Got to see Aidan for the first time in aaaages, so that was nice. Megs was right, he hasn't changed much!

We made the trek up to Whistler to see the boys of Stabilo playing in the village. Ran into Matty D. who sought me out in the crowd of teenyboppers and remarked that he was not at all surprised to see me. Well DUH Matt, it's STABILO.

Sunday I got to play around with this gorgeous beast. Oh King Midas I have missed you so much. Being a soundie is one of my favorite things and yet half the time I'm so frustrated because I desire to be really, really good. I know it'll come with time, but I'm stubborn and impatient.
I wrote a manifesto today for one of my English classes... it was pretty damn awesome. Maybe I'll post it sometime. In the meantime, you'll have to be satisfied with my jumbled thoughts on Saussure. We're onto Foucault right now... terrifying yet exhilerating. Time consuming either way (and this is a nice segue)...
Well it's nearing the dawn of a new day (28 minutes or so), and with that day comes a new vow to stop spending so much time online surfing, emailing, chatting, blogging (all of which have their place and their own value but uni must come first). So you'll not hear from me for a while. I'm starting tomorrow not because it's Lent but because I wanted to blog today. (Actually I'm giving up Starbucks for Lent.) I'll still be around once in a while, but I'm going to put the abovementioned stubbornness to work and see how long I can last before I break. Plus I've decided that it's time I stop substituting face-to-face encounters for the convenience of a keyboard.
In the meantime I'd like to plug some of the music I've been listening to in the last few weeks:
Abandoned Pools. These guys (well it's mostly just Tommy Walters, lead singer of The Eels) are so good. I've been listening to them since... that summer Devon was still here and the Emmerton brat was working at Tomko... and I've yet to grow tired of Humanistic (which is currently MIA from my collection, but speaking of John Emmerton, he has a copy, so perhaps I shall demand that he give it me). The Waiting to Panic EP is another chunk of gold... the most recent full-length release isn't one that I've found in Canada, but maybe one day I'll luck out when I'm in Bellingham.
Doves - Both the Last Broadcast and Some Cities have been on regular rotation both in the stereo and the iPod. Yum yum yum.
and finally...
Death Cab - the new album is aurgasmic.
And I will leave you with that. If you don't hear from me, ring me! I'm always up for a chat.