A Message from Kelly Macdonald

Jee-whiz, isn't my sister turning into a gorgeous young thing? Here she is making her case for eye-contact at all times.
Dog kept me up most of the night. She has turned into a spoiled brat and she head butt's things, like, for instance my door. Repeatedly. And then she'll scratch and whimper. Keep in mind that it's 3am and she wants to spoon. Keep in mind that she's 16 pounds and somehow takes up the entire bed. The worst part of course is that you just can't be mad at her cuz she's so frickin' cute. I am glaring at her, but she notices that I'm paying attention to me and... yes, she's coming over to... lick my leg. Such is the Cuteness. See what I mean?
In the thick of things, I completely screwed up my dates; I thought Kirsten was coming NEXT Saturday, but she's coming THIS Saturday. WOOOOOOO. And we're going to see Stabilo woo hoo Hoooooooo.
I finished that paper. It feels sooooo good to finish something. And it also feels sooooo good to nap, so I might just do that.
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