Brea, Andrew and Sara should not be left alone.
I've been sick all week but the anti-biotics are kicking in finally. I've been trapped in the Macdonald Compound for days, having missed a midterm on Thursday as well as handing in two papers that were due. Thank goodness for that doctor's note.
The rest of the family is up at Whistler skiing, so it's me and Roxy this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot of work done, although this evening has been devoted to watching Saturday Night Live DVDs and walking the dog. I'm jealous that they're there and I'm here; I was definitely looking forward to throwing myself down a mountain, but what can ya do? In the grand scheme of things, I've got it good.
Hopefully I'll be feeling better so I can make it out to church tomorrow evening, but I'm not holding my breath. Cuz I can't. Cuz I'm sick. Nyuck nyuck nyuck.
Update on a previous post: I went to see that counsellor a week ago, and he says I have depression. I don't think I really have any right to be depressed, but I guess you can't help the way you feel. So I'll just have to get better! Anyway, I figure holing myself up in my house for six days straight isn't the best idea. Maybe I'll just pop over to Starbucks for a few hours with a book so that I can be surrounded by some human noise. No offense, Roxy. Everyone's so busy these days; I'm so glad it's reading week coming up!!!!
Aaaaaaanyway. That's enough negativity! I have been taking a bunch of pictures lately, so here are some from a trip downtown last month, where Brea and I met up with my Australian friend Andrew, who was on a stopover on his way to Toronto. It was retardedly fun!

Here we are being the badasses on the bus. Have you ever tried to take a picture of yourself at the back of the bus? It's not very easy.

The goal was to find Andrew something subtle, something that said, "Yes. I am in Canada." I think we did quite well.

Davey Crockett times three.

The hats are self-explanatory. The hand signals come from an inside joke that started in the PPAC choir. Bwahahaha.

Furry Brea.

Furry Sara and Brea.

The plural of Moose is Meese. Trust me; I'm an English major.

Andrew smiling just before he ran away from us.
Happy Friday!
The rest of the family is up at Whistler skiing, so it's me and Roxy this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot of work done, although this evening has been devoted to watching Saturday Night Live DVDs and walking the dog. I'm jealous that they're there and I'm here; I was definitely looking forward to throwing myself down a mountain, but what can ya do? In the grand scheme of things, I've got it good.
Hopefully I'll be feeling better so I can make it out to church tomorrow evening, but I'm not holding my breath. Cuz I can't. Cuz I'm sick. Nyuck nyuck nyuck.
Update on a previous post: I went to see that counsellor a week ago, and he says I have depression. I don't think I really have any right to be depressed, but I guess you can't help the way you feel. So I'll just have to get better! Anyway, I figure holing myself up in my house for six days straight isn't the best idea. Maybe I'll just pop over to Starbucks for a few hours with a book so that I can be surrounded by some human noise. No offense, Roxy. Everyone's so busy these days; I'm so glad it's reading week coming up!!!!
Aaaaaaanyway. That's enough negativity! I have been taking a bunch of pictures lately, so here are some from a trip downtown last month, where Brea and I met up with my Australian friend Andrew, who was on a stopover on his way to Toronto. It was retardedly fun!

Here we are being the badasses on the bus. Have you ever tried to take a picture of yourself at the back of the bus? It's not very easy.

The goal was to find Andrew something subtle, something that said, "Yes. I am in Canada." I think we did quite well.

Davey Crockett times three.

The hats are self-explanatory. The hand signals come from an inside joke that started in the PPAC choir. Bwahahaha.

Furry Brea.

Furry Sara and Brea.

The plural of Moose is Meese. Trust me; I'm an English major.

Andrew smiling just before he ran away from us.
Happy Friday!
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