Sara's Ramblings

Thursday, March 31, 2005

"I like you. Let's play pickleball."

Scan28 (Small)
Originally uploaded by fizz_bubbles.
I seem to recall, back when a certain someone *cough* JOHN *cough* was having his appendix stolen, the nurse looking after him asked him what he did, be it work, school, etc. His response:

"I am a pickleball salesman."

Yes John. Yes you are. It's interesting to consider what people say when they're high on morphine.

I stumbled upon a Unicourt brochure today during my travels at Tomko. Oh the 80s. How I do miss thee. Wait a second... let's take that back.

I spent most of today drinking almost-warm tea and fighting with a golf mailing list. Oh, except for that break I took to pull staples out a tarp. Talk about your intellectual stimulation!

Speaking of intellectual, I got some great news today. I have an exam clash (ie, my two hardest exams take place at the exact same time), so I had to fill out this form and the university was going to sequester me in a room for 6 and a half hours while I wrote both of them under supervision. Now THAT does not sound like good news. And it's not. The good news is that my Bio prof is going to schedule a separate sitting so that I don't have to write them back-to-back. Oh bless his heart! Maybe this way I will actually pass!

Hmm... I wonder if there is a new episode of CSI on this evening. I hope so!

Today is all about the Glen Phillips. I wish I had more of his stuff. I was THISCLOSE to buying Sarah Slean's album today when my dad and I were at Futureshop, but I resisted. I think it might be the first time I've not bought a cd after holding it in my hands and registering that I wants it. Hoo-rah.

Anyway, I'm going to go. Play pickleball. Because I like you. Or something like that.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Walk on the Ocean

I just started Testament by Nino Ricci for English. It's the story of Jesus, Jesus the man, as told through the eyes of four different narrators. So far, the first ten pages have me intrigued.

In other news, today we did Jesus' Parables in 230b (Biblical Influences on Modern English Literature). On our way from English to Poli Sci, Anna and I talked a little bit about our frustrations with that class. It's so good to have her around whilst dealing with the politics of a secular university.

People have been asking me if John (who apparently has had a blog for months now! this is news to me) and Brea actually got married in Florida. I don't think I'm at liberty to divulge that information, so you'd better ask them directly. I think, however, that if you really put your mind to it, you can come up with the correct answer. And no, Mike, you can't google this one like you did with that riddle. CHEATER.

Rick has been sending out mp3mails in the last month or so and it's been so delightful. Small world when you run into him at the 6 o'clock service only to find out that he's working at Peace Portal. Chatted briefly with him on Sunday and we got on the topic of Jonathan Inc. I bought their cd when I saw them at Mesa Luna back in grade 12 and I had NEVER listened to it. At Rick's suggestion I dug it out and it was the soundtrack to my Tomko madness yesterday. Good, good times.

By the way, I figured out how to link stuff today, so as you can probably see, I'm taking advantage of my newfound knowledge.

Aaaand you're done

Wheeeeeee essay is done. At least until 6... then I'll have to check it over for QUALITY CONTROL.

Funny how God likes to come and meet me in the middle of the night.

God: Shhh, Sara. Chill, ok? You know I've got your back. *hugs Sara*

Still foolish (maybe even foolishER!!!!!), but feeling so much better.

Egads! Gotta get up soon!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I feel like something bad is going to happen and it's making me worried...

Everyone take care of yourselves and be nice to each other until this passes :p!

I confess that my heart
Is more than often not at rest
When I pray
You seem so far away
But God above You have said
Nothing separates Your love
From Your child
Because of Jesus

And Your mercy
Covers me

Where is the praise in my soul
Have I been blinded
To crucified on a cross
There my sin and slavery died
I am free
Because You love me

- Laurell Hubick

But I don't feel free right now. It's crept up on me today, and I feel more like I've been punched in the stomach.

Sigh, Derrida awaits... how ironic that I'm once again putting off dealing with things ;). More to come I'm sure; it's going to be a long night.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Miss Bloggiepants is Back

OK... here goes...


Oooh hooo hoooooo. I'm back yes it's true. 40 days of Lent are fini. I missed blogging. For some reason or another I really enjoy my daily (or twice / thrice / seventeen times) daily spiel. I turned 20 on Wednesday, did sound that evening, hung out with Kell on Thursday, did sound on Friday afternoon, then went camping at Whatcom. Bubba is thisclose to exploding, so I don't know what I'm going to do about that. My uncle is a mechanic and he said it was safe to drive home from the camp, but I think I'll just walk for a while.

So I went to Florida and it rocked. Rock rock rocked. Rocked to the point that I have to talk about it here! Maybe a quick little blow-by-blow, a photo journal, if you will. I do like to take a photo or two.

Here goes...

Thursday I woke up at about 4 to get ready for Brea (who, from this point on will also be known as REEG) and her parents to pick me up for l'airport. We were on separate flights but we had fun running amok at YVR until then. She looks too pretty for someone waiting to take a plane ride!

As for the flight, well I have decided that I really like flying. Not to say that I am looking forward to a kabillion hours on a plane to Australia come summertime, but the take off and landing is just so much fun! I think I would like to fly a plane. Or maybe a helicopter!!! All the films we saw over there made me want to fly a helicopter!

The flight wasn't bad. I started to get a bit bored, thus the photo, but I sat beside a couple cool guys that I chatted with a bit for the last 20 or so minutes. I asked them where they were headed, and it turns out they were part of a large group scattered throughout the plane. Destination: Peru. Mission: Two-weeks in an orphanage, working on projects, loving the kids, sharing Jesus. So beautiful. I asked them if I could pray for them about anything specifically and I received a "Perunnie" It's like a twoonie: small, silver and copper, but with a "P" in the middle. It is to remind people to think of the kids and to pray for the team. So if any of you reading feel so inclined, pray for Evan and Ken and the gang. Pray that God will change them. They seemed pretty excited about that.

4.5 hour stopover and one bored Sara = mayhem.

Houston's kind of a boring... airport. I got up to the usual. Did some reading, some writing, some computering, some wandering, some people watching...

Did you know that you can buy beer from a take-out stand in Houston? You can.

From Houston to Orlando was a breezy 2.5 hours. Sat next to an incredible, amazing guy named Jeff. We introduced ourselves. He was 18, from Kansas, and flying to Orlando to take his girlfriend to Disneyworld. He loves flying; his dad and he had restored a plane together and he had his pilot's license. I had picked up "THE ECONOMIST", because we've been studying this stuff in Poli Sci, and there was an article on Dubya. I asked Jeff what he, being an American, thought of Bush's invasion of Iraq. I know he said something, but I can't remember what... it's what he said after that floored me.

In a nutshell, Jeff has a biased opinion of George Bush, Jr., because he got to meet him. Bush wanted to meet his mom, Gracia, after she returned home from the Phillipines. I said this was all very exciting, and he continued.

Jeff was raised a missionary kid in the Phillipines where his parents had been serving for years. The two of them were kidnapped and held hostage for over a year with little to no contact between them and their three children. Eventually both were shot, and Jeff's mom was the only one to survive. You can learn more about their story here.

Anyway, it was just incredible. This kid, younger even than me, was speaking such insight into my life. We talked about Jesus and about when horrible things happen, and about the mission field that is daily life, and the acid test of your everday dealings with people. It was so powerful and so cool. By the time I got off the plane, I was feeling so blessed. It made the whole trip, right then and there.

Down the ramp I went, smile on face, and found a very excited Reeg, Stef, and Marianne (John's mommy) waiting for me. I was supposed to be the last to arrive, but John's plane was majorly delayed.

We sat on the floor in the middle of the massive airport as I shrieked about how God had twiced blessed me by putting me with the most amazing people, and then FINALLY John showed up, 3.5 hours late. The custodian at this point was vacuuming around us.

By the time we got to the hotel we were all bagged but hyper as well. The place is called the Polynnesian, and let me tell you, people, it's frickin' fantastic!!!!!! We ran around crazy for a little while and then went to bed.

Now here's where the trip gets interesting. I have no idea what we did each day. I remember WHAT we did, just not when, because it's all one big blur.

Here's a fountain outside the main lobby of the hotel:

Pretty, no?

Riding the MONORAIL to the MAGIC KINGDOM!!!!
(Stef, John, Stitch)

I tell ya, that Stitch is hot!!!

I know that the first day we went to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot...

Riding the seductive carousel...


And then! NO and then!!! Again...

Stef hanging on tight! There are no pics of me on the carousel because I fell off. Kidding... or am I?


John: Sara, I'm not your dad. You're older than me.
Brea: Um... Sara...

Would you look at those rippling muscles!!!?

Our deck later that day. So nice.

View from said deck.

Proof I brought my homework with me.

Then we went to EPCOT. I think Epcot was my favorite of the 7 (I think 7) kingdoms.

Spaceship Earth (and John's head).

This fountain can also make the water fall upwards...

Spaceship Earth from the outside

The next day was Disney's MGM Studios... I think.

Big crowds!

Hee hee!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! *shrieks with laughter* HEHEHE!!!

Think "Hellavator" except WAAAY better! GREAT RIDE. Screamed like a howler monkey!

My girlies blowing kisses. For me. Not you. Me.


Mickey's Hat!

If you use this restroom, you WILL be a rockstar! [Note: using this restroom will not make you a rockstar]

Taking a break from the action to grab lunch I noticed a really cute little kid who was smiling up a storm and just generally being adorable. Does this constitute stalking? (Probably)

John eating. He says he likes this photo of himself best of all. Go figure!

After a LONG day in the parks.

Sunday came eventually, though I'm not sure when. I decided to have some good ol' God time and set myself up outside. Sweet devotions by the beach.

Yep, that's me chilaxin'

Sigh. So beautiful.

After my God time...

Stef being naughty in the lobby. [NB, she's not actually touching him]

The ceiling in the lobby...

And back to the Magic Kingdom we went for some more fun and rides. I tell ya, I was a bit skeptical when I learned we would be spending all of our time in DisneyWorld, but we didn't even get it all done! It's SO huge. 28,000 acres to be more precise.

One of the few rides we didn't get on. So I'm living vicariously through these people. They look like they're having fun. Little do they know they're being watched.

Group photo while in line for the TEACUPS!
John: I SHOULD TAKE IT. My arms are the longest!!!

Swirling and whirling on 'dem teacups.

Sara: LOOK UP!
Stef: I think I'm going to die!
Sara: Then DON'T look up!!

MICKEY'S PHILHARMAGIC! I think this one tied with Spaceship Earth as my FAVORITE!

Trying to be artsy, here's Spaceship Earth again. Why so many pics? Well, we went on it like 34,000 times. Somehow we always ended up back in Epcot.

Walking to the World Showcase!

Driver: Please keep your hands, feet and all limbs inside the boat at all times.
John: NO. I'm riding a BOAT.

A visit to France!

Dinner in Mexico!

Eustice Asbestos Lifehouse Monkey Jr., Jr., Hussein Epcot, whispering sweet nothings to John in bed.

Eustice getting his drunk on while waiting for the monorail. I didn't pose him; that's how he fell off the rail. Little piss tank. At least he kept his skirt on! Marianne was freaking out about the naked monkey running around the hotel room until I finally gave in and clothed him.

Speaking of getting his drunk on... it SAYS it's only Coke, but I don't know.

He's been a bad monkey.

Stef cooing sweetly to Eustice after he recovered from his hangover.

Just in case you aren't aware that he is one tough monkey! (Here we are in NORWAY.)

So if you have money and a piece of paper that says you're certified, you can go diving! There is a restaurant at Epcot called The Living Seas. The nicest restaurant I'VE ever been to.... and one whole wall is a fish tank! And we're not talking something puny... more like... the entire Vancouver Aquarium. And Miss Stef and Mr. John took the plunge!! Here are Brea and Marianne, waiting for them...

Not sooooo good at taking pics of people through glass while they're underwater, but you get the point.


The cool and sometimes creepy thing about DisneyWorld is that parades and general cartoony craziness break out at all hours of the day, all the time. MAYHEM.

Leaving Epcot for Downtown Disney

Ceiling at Porta Bello's, a BEAUTIFUL restaurant in Downtown Disney. I got stuck on the end and no one would talk to me... so I resorted to taking pictures...

Sara: HELLO!!! Rest of the taaaable!
Rest of the table: We can't hear you!
Sara: OK I'll take pictures of flowers on the table!

I exaggerate. I always exaggerate. But I thought this flower was pretty.

Dinosaur: RAWRRRR!!! I'm a dinosaur! I'm made entirely out of LEGO!

We tried so hard to get on this ride... but somehow it just never happened. Brea and I waited for our little friends John and Stef to show up after diving... but by the time we met up at the hotel it was too late and everything was closed... but we waited...

and waited...

and waited... and I resorted to taking pictures of rust.

And then, without warning, all of a sudden, it was Tuesday morning... my last day of being 19 and our last day in a fantasy... Stef and John had to run Marianne's keys back up to her, and wisely left me and Brea waiting by the map because we're somewhat less that stellar with directions.... I got bored....

Sara: Oooooh! A FLOWER!
Brea: Oh gosh... and out comes the camera.

Then we were off to do the last few rides before we had to leave for the airport. We got there bright and early and were done before noon. On our way back to the hotel, we came across the Wedding Chapel.

Funny story... Stef and I were joking all week long that Brea and John should get married so that we could take pictures... Stef was particularly adamant about this, but the two wouldn't humour her (those bastards). After she left (her flight was hours before ours)...

Sara: Well, now that she's gone, what say you two get married?
Brea: Sure.
John: Right on.

Hee-hee. Hee-hee!

I DO! Take THAT, Stef!

Sigh. So that was DisneyWorld..... sort of.... kind of...