Yes I'm back. Good to take a break, but I did decide that I missed the little bloggy. This last month and a half has been insanity, and my thoughts manifested themselves not online, but with pen on paper and in conversation, which is really much more appropriate. Survived some pretty serious goings on, and am still in the process of surviving, but I can see the end. Not sure when we'll get there, but I at least now know that it exists.

Oooh, now isn't that cryptic? OK, done. What else has been going on? Finished exams at
UBC, kept an A average despite dealing with a little bit of depression and taking 4 4th year English classes (never again) and a law class. I was pretty stoked about how things turned out; God must've decided to bless my effots because He loves me more than I deserve, and despite the fact that I spent January - March mad at Him because He took
Australia away :p.

Working full time at
Tomko these days, got my
forklift license, spent some time on the Island this week at an
asphalt plant / gravel quarry which was pretty scary/fun, working with Megs still, having a much better time than one would expect working at Tomko.

I also have another class under my belt: Poli 101: Introducition to Government in Canada (summer session). Sounds incredibly dull, you say? Yah, you'd think, but actually, we had a newbie PhD teaching the class, and he ended up being a great prof. Good teaching skills - which is sooooo important - and still has a genuine interest in most of the class material. Not to say that I didn't complain every time I had to go from Tomko to class (because I did, every single Tuesday and Thursday), but once I got there it wasn't so bad at all. There was a guest lecture on blogs, and the guy wanted to know who keeps a blog. I stuck my hand up and he asked me if it was a political blog. I laughed at him. And that was that.

Going to Italy in 6 DAYS! Woot. I am looking forward to doing some travelling again. It'll be a bit different than sleeping in hostels and under the stars and doing whatever I want - this time we'll be going in style, although I'm thinking it will be National Lampoon's Italy Adventure (starring the Macdonalds). More on that soon I'm SURE. I don't know if I will be able to blog while I'm over there, but I think we're bringing Kell's Macbook (yah, the entire family is being assimilated to Mac, slowly and surely), and that is one of the reasons why I am resurrecting the blog.

Saw the
Lions kick the asses of the Saskatchewan Roughriders last night. Woot!
Hmm what else what else?
Trevor became a pastor, which is just awesome. I respect and look up to him more than an e-prop could communicate, but let's just say I think that God is going to continue to use him to bless an awful lot of people.

Dean and
Amanda are getting
married NEXT SATURDAY. And I will be in an AIRPLANE. BOOOOOOOO. But, knowing them, it's going to be so beautiful. Not just because they are a beautiful couple (which they are), but because they have great taste, and because the love they have for each other is going to make a beautiful marriage.
OH! Dean got
more funding for his PhD research. He is such a smarty pants! He and his new bride will be off to Aberdeen in the fall to continue with Dean's studies over there; I have a feeling there will be a new blog emerging from this adventure.
Jess is almost done the first draft of her MA Thesis. Again, another person whose work is going to make a huge impact on the lives of other people. I am going to try to make her let me read her work some day.
OH! Megs got a lead in
Anything Goes, so look for more info later in the summer. I am going to make everyone go see her, so be prepared with an excuse if you don't like the local musical theatre scene.
Wow.... you know, sometimes I can't believe that I am lucky enough to have such amazing friends... people who make the world a better place because they are in it. *sigh... tender moment*

Alright, time for me to do other things... I told my dad I would clean my room for Father's Day hehehe. And I need to go to Langley and get new spectacles. Woot.
[NB: the rest of the posts will be coming back soon]