You may have noticed that there is something missing.... i.e., everything.
Toying with the idea of shutting down The Ramblings, but I just don't have the heart to delete the little bugger. Maybe this is just a break... we shall have to see.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to get les wisdom teeth removed by the ortho-surgeon-dude. Actually I just got off the phone with him and NOW I'm freaked out. From what I've been told about him, he's pretty much one of the best. But here I was, all prepared to be gassed unconscious, and now it turns out there's going to be an IV-drip involved instead. Bleh. BLEH and bleh again! AND I'm going to be "lucid" which, as far as I'm concerned, means that I'm going to be able to say embarrassing things whilst high on goofballs. YETH.
Oh me oh my. Looks like it’s time for some Mancandy! I’m sure you’ve been sitting waiting for it for months (because you care about these things soooooo much), wondering to yourself, “When’s she gonna do it? When am I going to get my fix?” O tiny grasshopper, you need not worry your pretty little head, for here are some other pretty little heads for your viewing pleasure (in alphabetical order as usual; we must get SOME use out of this English major business).
Jesse Bradford
Got his start in Bring it On, the cheerleading film that was based on me. I was a fan of the scene where he was caught thrashing on his electric guitar. While Down Under, the crew watched another flick called Eulogy, which was pretty damn funny. Think The Family Stone. He’s smiley, he’s smirky, he’s Jesse.
Guillaume Canet
When I was living in Wollongong, my darling friend Mary and I would get together and watch silly movies. One night we rented a French film called Jeux d'Enfants, and it was such the cuteness. I thought he was just darling, with his Frenchness and all. Actually, Jeux d'Enfants (translated somehow to "Love Me If You Dare" featured this gorgeous ladypop named Marion Cotillard, who is one of the prettiest people I’ve ever seen. I mention this for the boys who claim that Mancandy is too sexist.
Tom Cruise
(just kidding)
I am a liar (one who lies). I am thinking he is not Mancandy, but rather, crazy. Go to for more of this tomfoolery. Get it? TOM - FOOL - ery!!!! OOOH SNAP!
Josh Duhamel
There are rumors that Josh is Fergie’s baby daddy, although Hollywood insiders can’t confirm if she is preggers at this point. This could potentially upset me, but thankfully, I don’t care. The man’s a looker, and that’s good enough for me : ).
Patrick Dempsey “He’s my McDreamy” – Dr. Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy. Yeah…
Bob Evans
An Aussie who opened for Tegan and Sara at the Yallah Woolshed back in September. He was just soooooo cute with his guitar and his little harmonica that I can’t resist.
Hugh Jackman
Uh oh… don’t make him mad! Don’t do it! Oh no you di-ent!!!!!!!!!!
Oh now Wolverine is PISSED.
Wentworth Miller
S: So I think I’m going to do another Mancandy. Do you have any sugge… B: Wentworth Miller! WENTWORTH MILLER Here ya go, Brea. I heart you, too.
Tyson Ritter (again)
Tyson is the first to make the list twice. But I figure if Julia Roberts can feature in People’s 50 Most Beautiful People issue year after year (for some unknown reason…), then our friend Tyson can prance all over the newest of Mancandies. Because I think he is so very, very hot. But we’re gonna change it up just a little bit. Instead of pictures, here is a video! A video full of him! I always felt kind of bad for bands where the lead singer is the only person you ever see in the music video… but I am very pleased with the director’s choice in this case. And I am like that, you see (fickle, that is).
Sufjan Stevens
Oh such a pretty voice… it’s really so dreamy. And there’s the guitar-ing, and the organ-ing, and the banjo-ing. I mean, who ever thought the banjo would be hot? Any boy who can add a sizzle factor to the banjo automatically deserves Mancandy status.
Welcome to Sara's Ramblings. I try to provide a little bit of everything here... drama, whimsy, perplexing thoughts, humour, romance, horror... whatever pops into my head...