T Guide: Read this on Saturday
I should be finding out soon about this whole exchange thing. I’m nervous but excited and I hope that I get accepted! I had a pretty strong application I think… I wrote stuff that I know they will want to hear, but it’s still true.
Did you know…. Did you know, did you know that Kelly is going to be 14 (FOURTEEN!!!!) on March 8? Wowsers I can’t believe it. She still seems 9 to me. I still remember the day that she was born…
My parents woke me up in the middle of the night and my mom was wearing her black maternity dress. Dad took me to the Kvarnstrom’s and let me in and tucked me into the bed in the guest room. In the morning I surprised Anders and Michele as they were getting up and they knew immediately what was going on. Michele said I could stay home and we could go shopping instead (woo hoo). It was my 6th birthday a few weeks later so she said I could pick something out as an early present. In the car on the way to the mall I tried to convince Anders that there were 50 seconds in a minute. Funny how you remember little details like that, huh? Anyway, at the toy store it was a tough decision, but in the end it was Babysitter Skipper over the Perfume Pony. Grr. I also remember that Gillian (my childhood neighbor) broke Skipper’s head off while trying to strap her down on her Doctor Barbie examination table. That BITCH. Haha.
Later in the day, dinner time maybe, Dad picked me up and we went to McDonald’s before heading to Lion’s Gate. We parked on the sidewalk and walked towards the hospital. I tripped and ripped a hole in my red ribbed leggings. Man, those leggings were almost as cool as Mike’s! Then we went to see my mom and my new baby sister, Kelly Diana. I got to pick her middle name. I chose Diana because my name means Princess and I wanted Kelly to be a princess as well.
So… then I saw my mom and Kelly and they made me sit down and then gently placed her in my arms. And the first thing I thought was that she was really funny looking. She had pointy ears and a squished face and she was all red. But I guess to a 5-year-old that’s what babies look like. I just remember thinking that I was the luckiest girl in the entire universe and I was so proud of her.
Sniff sniff. And now she’s almost 14. In those 14 years I’ve dropped her (“no mom don’t worry I know what I’m doing”…WHOMP), smacked her, locked her in the freezer room, while she’s bitten me, slammed my fingers in doors and gotten me in trouble for things I haven’t done. But we’ve survived, and the important thing, when it all boils down, is this: I can still kick her butt if necessary.
"And now for something completely different!"
A line from a song that has been in my head for a week now: "You see the depths of my soul and You love me the same" (from Indescribable). It's just so true!!!! Sigh. God rocks. Maybe I'm not quite sure what exactly love is, but I know that He is love. Even though we screw up and hurt one another and the depths of our souls are not always pretty, He loves us anyway. And not just mediocre love, either. Perfect love.
I should be finding out soon about this whole exchange thing. I’m nervous but excited and I hope that I get accepted! I had a pretty strong application I think… I wrote stuff that I know they will want to hear, but it’s still true.
Did you know…. Did you know, did you know that Kelly is going to be 14 (FOURTEEN!!!!) on March 8? Wowsers I can’t believe it. She still seems 9 to me. I still remember the day that she was born…
My parents woke me up in the middle of the night and my mom was wearing her black maternity dress. Dad took me to the Kvarnstrom’s and let me in and tucked me into the bed in the guest room. In the morning I surprised Anders and Michele as they were getting up and they knew immediately what was going on. Michele said I could stay home and we could go shopping instead (woo hoo). It was my 6th birthday a few weeks later so she said I could pick something out as an early present. In the car on the way to the mall I tried to convince Anders that there were 50 seconds in a minute. Funny how you remember little details like that, huh? Anyway, at the toy store it was a tough decision, but in the end it was Babysitter Skipper over the Perfume Pony. Grr. I also remember that Gillian (my childhood neighbor) broke Skipper’s head off while trying to strap her down on her Doctor Barbie examination table. That BITCH. Haha.
Later in the day, dinner time maybe, Dad picked me up and we went to McDonald’s before heading to Lion’s Gate. We parked on the sidewalk and walked towards the hospital. I tripped and ripped a hole in my red ribbed leggings. Man, those leggings were almost as cool as Mike’s! Then we went to see my mom and my new baby sister, Kelly Diana. I got to pick her middle name. I chose Diana because my name means Princess and I wanted Kelly to be a princess as well.
So… then I saw my mom and Kelly and they made me sit down and then gently placed her in my arms. And the first thing I thought was that she was really funny looking. She had pointy ears and a squished face and she was all red. But I guess to a 5-year-old that’s what babies look like. I just remember thinking that I was the luckiest girl in the entire universe and I was so proud of her.
Sniff sniff. And now she’s almost 14. In those 14 years I’ve dropped her (“no mom don’t worry I know what I’m doing”…WHOMP), smacked her, locked her in the freezer room, while she’s bitten me, slammed my fingers in doors and gotten me in trouble for things I haven’t done. But we’ve survived, and the important thing, when it all boils down, is this: I can still kick her butt if necessary.
"And now for something completely different!"
A line from a song that has been in my head for a week now: "You see the depths of my soul and You love me the same" (from Indescribable). It's just so true!!!! Sigh. God rocks. Maybe I'm not quite sure what exactly love is, but I know that He is love. Even though we screw up and hurt one another and the depths of our souls are not always pretty, He loves us anyway. And not just mediocre love, either. Perfect love.
tis comment bloggin' time.
I have come to the realization that boys stink. Well not all... just one in particular. We'll call him Greg. And he pisses me off. If anyone should be put down it should be him right now. I seriously need a coles notes to know what he's thinking, but sadly right now I think I know. So I'll take all these mixed signals he's sending and return them to sender.
On other news. As probably the small minority of you know I had an allergic reaction on friday. I'm fine now. After visiting 3 doctors, 2 of which saying that the swelling and disgusting crap was normal and to pretty much sleep on it, I climbed in the truck drove 4 hours on Monday morning to my Grandmas. The doctor their said pretty much that it was a REALLY bad reaction and NOW is an infection. So my 3 day trip at Homie-g's turned into a week as I regained my health.
So if sara give up blogging for lent, perhaps I shall give up reading sara's blog for my lent (as well as give up a certain jerk). Yes I like this idea!
Whoa, I realized I have a lot of pent up anger towards this Greg dude. The "next" time he calls (right now that will probably be like.... um.. yes never) I will definately give HIM a piece of my mind. With that, I bid you adieu!
Anonymous, at 7:44 p.m.
see, its kind of strange, and I was uber confused about all the masses of blogs, because the first one we read is the last one you I read Saturday, then Friday, then Thursday, and so on, and FINALLY got to the one where you explained the whole "rationing" thing...PErhaps you need a 'Z-Guide' on which post of a bunch is to be read first.
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 4:40 p.m.
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