Piece of Glass
The first half of today just... rocked. It straight up rocked my world and I had an amazing time with my Opa and his wife Dorle. Maybe you're thinking, "nerd alert", but you can piss off :). I adore them. I really do.
I went to White Rock Baptist this morning and Benny Jones was preaching. Benny is the guy who looks like Hank's dad (from King of the Hill). He married my Opa to Dorle last summer, and I always sort of didn't like him very much. So when I found that he was at the pulpit, I was thinking, "Of all the days for the regular pastor to be on vacation..." and then he went on to talk about communion and the significance of the Lord's Supper. I found myself asking afterwards, "of all the days for the regular pastor to be on vacation." Of all the days for me to go to White Rock Baptist. Of all the days for me to need to hear that sermon SO badly.
I wish they had recordings of the sermon, because I think I could stand to hear it again. He said something along the lines of, "Do you know what this [communion] table means? It means someone died for you." Simple. True. He said a lot of things that just hit me as being very true. And they're things that need to be said, too.
I went up after and shook his hand and thanked him for blessing me with such a powerful message. Turns out he's a really sweet guy. I'm glad that I went up there, because I never would have known otherwise.
My Opa is so adorable. Hahaha! Here's a story for you: I got there about ten minutes before the service, ran into Gio (a guy from my choir in high school), and then found Opa and Dorle. Opa asked me if I want to look at their tech set up because he knows I do sound elsewhere. To be honest, I didn't really want to, but I can't say no to him, because it's Opa! So I said I'd go take a look. I wandered up to the balcony and peered down over the sanctuary, pausing briefly to look at the soundboard and camera, to appease Opa.
Then all of a sudden, there he was! He'd come up the stairs a few moments after me because he thought I would be to shy to ask about their equipment. So he marched over to the head techie dude and said, "Trevor, this is my granddaughter. She likes doing sound for worship at church. She is interested in that kind of stuff. Don't be shy, Sara. Take a look." And then he left.
So I shook Trevor's hand and asked him a few questions. Again, must appease Opa! And then before you know it, he's all, "Oh so after the service you should introduce yourself to Pastor Steve, he's in charge of worship here. They rehearse on Thursday nights but usually the tech volunteers don't have to be at that. They just come at 8:00 on Sunday morning for the rehearsal. We don't have any girls on the team actually."
Uhhmmm... thanks Opa! I muttered something about taking a listen and then I ran away. And after the service, I hid from Trevor.
Sigh. Opa, Opa, Opa. Like I said, I can't say no to him. I delight in his happiness. And did you know he was 12 lbs when he was born? He claims it's because his mom drank a lot of beer when she was pregnant with him. I learned that today at lunch.
Lunch was something else. Talked a lot about Jesus.
So that was the first half of my day.
In the second half of my day I made some really foolish decisions and I'm angry with myself as a result.
But all in all, as Opa said to me as he was looking in his coffee cup, "the glass is half full!!" So cute.
I went to White Rock Baptist this morning and Benny Jones was preaching. Benny is the guy who looks like Hank's dad (from King of the Hill). He married my Opa to Dorle last summer, and I always sort of didn't like him very much. So when I found that he was at the pulpit, I was thinking, "Of all the days for the regular pastor to be on vacation..." and then he went on to talk about communion and the significance of the Lord's Supper. I found myself asking afterwards, "of all the days for the regular pastor to be on vacation." Of all the days for me to go to White Rock Baptist. Of all the days for me to need to hear that sermon SO badly.
I wish they had recordings of the sermon, because I think I could stand to hear it again. He said something along the lines of, "Do you know what this [communion] table means? It means someone died for you." Simple. True. He said a lot of things that just hit me as being very true. And they're things that need to be said, too.
I went up after and shook his hand and thanked him for blessing me with such a powerful message. Turns out he's a really sweet guy. I'm glad that I went up there, because I never would have known otherwise.
My Opa is so adorable. Hahaha! Here's a story for you: I got there about ten minutes before the service, ran into Gio (a guy from my choir in high school), and then found Opa and Dorle. Opa asked me if I want to look at their tech set up because he knows I do sound elsewhere. To be honest, I didn't really want to, but I can't say no to him, because it's Opa! So I said I'd go take a look. I wandered up to the balcony and peered down over the sanctuary, pausing briefly to look at the soundboard and camera, to appease Opa.
Then all of a sudden, there he was! He'd come up the stairs a few moments after me because he thought I would be to shy to ask about their equipment. So he marched over to the head techie dude and said, "Trevor, this is my granddaughter. She likes doing sound for worship at church. She is interested in that kind of stuff. Don't be shy, Sara. Take a look." And then he left.
So I shook Trevor's hand and asked him a few questions. Again, must appease Opa! And then before you know it, he's all, "Oh so after the service you should introduce yourself to Pastor Steve, he's in charge of worship here. They rehearse on Thursday nights but usually the tech volunteers don't have to be at that. They just come at 8:00 on Sunday morning for the rehearsal. We don't have any girls on the team actually."
Uhhmmm... thanks Opa! I muttered something about taking a listen and then I ran away. And after the service, I hid from Trevor.
Sigh. Opa, Opa, Opa. Like I said, I can't say no to him. I delight in his happiness. And did you know he was 12 lbs when he was born? He claims it's because his mom drank a lot of beer when she was pregnant with him. I learned that today at lunch.
Lunch was something else. Talked a lot about Jesus.
So that was the first half of my day.
In the second half of my day I made some really foolish decisions and I'm angry with myself as a result.
But all in all, as Opa said to me as he was looking in his coffee cup, "the glass is half full!!" So cute.
what denomination are you? and your german too? (i just assumed that cuz you called your gramps "opa") the simularities here are getting kinda freaky. you wouldnt happen to love snowboarding and surfing also would you?
Mark, at 3:49 p.m.
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