Morning Emails III
At least I think it's Morning Emails III... whatever. This one's a thinker! Ha! Right - On.
I'm moving out of Ashlee's today and I cannot believe it's been nearly a month... I guess it's been - let me check - 24 days. Crazy! If we were to be living together for an extended period of time, we'd have to pow wow about a few changes that I would require, and I'm sure she'd have some as well. But the fact that this isn't OUR place, this is HER place means that I just let a lot of stuff slide. And the fact that I was essentially a HOUSEGUEST not a ROOMMATE means that she lets a lot of stuff slide. It's not so cut and dry, but we got along rather well.
My mom is really excited about me coming home. I think it's cute and funny. I was living about 5 minutes away... she said she had to stand in the doorway to my messy bedroom and pout. :). Sounds like Mom!
What will she do if I get accepted for this exchange? I have to drive out to campus for a question and answer session about it today... I've been working on it a lot in the last few weeks. Ooooh man I hope that it works out. I think it would be great! Lavonne just got back from doing a semester in Lithuania through TWU and she just has some incredible stories. Overall, she says "DO IT." YES SIR! I found my references, thank goodness, now I just have to convince them that I'm an exceptional person; intelligent, well-rounded, service-oriented. Let me rephrase: Now I just have to lie ;). Kidding, I hope. I'll just bribe my way onto that plane! :D!
I'm listening to Sarah Slean. I have heard of her many times, but never listened to her work. It's different than I expected but quite pretty.
Speaking of new things - I'm reading this book for one of my English classes and it so, SO funny. Really interesting, especially one of the many story lines that's happening in the text. The Lone Ranger, Hawkeye, Ishmael, and Robinson Crusoe and trying to retell the first few chapters of Genesis and it's... just so out there. Actually, here's a bit of it, just for s and gs -

First Woman's garden. That good woman makes a garden and she lives there with Ahdamn. I don't know where he comes from. Things like that happen, you know.
So there is that garden. And there is First Woman and Ahdamn. And everything is perfect. And everything is beautiful. And everything is boring.
So First Woman goes walking around with her head in the clouds, looking in the sky for things that are bent and need fixing. So she doesn't see that tree. So that tree doesn't see her. So they bump into each other.
Pardon me, says that Tree, maybe you would like something to eat.
That would be nice, says First Woman, and all sorts of good things to eat fall out of that Tree. Apples fall out. Melons fall out. Bananas fall out. Hot dogs. Fry break, corn, potatoes. Pizza. Extra-crispy fried chicken.
Thank you, says First Woman, and she picks up all that food and brings it back to Ahdamn.
Talking trees! Talking trees! says that GOD. What kind of a world is this?
"Did someone say food?" says Coyote.
"Sit down," I says. "Boy, this story is going to take a long time."
So that good woman brings all that food back to Ahdamn. Ahdamn is busy. He is naming everything.
You are a microwave oven, Ahdamn tells the Elk.
Nope, says that Elk. Try again.
You are a garage sale, Ahdamn tells the Bear.
We got to get you some glasses, says the Bear.
You are a telephone book, Ahdamn tells the Cedar Tree.
You're getting closer, says the Cedar Tree.
You are a cheeseburger, Ahdamn tells Old Coyote.
It must be time for lunch, says Old Coyote.
Never mind that, First Woman tells Ahdamn. Here is something to eat.
Wait a minute, says that GOD. That's my garden. That's my stuff.
"Don't talk to me," I says. "You better talk to First Woman."
You bet I will, says that GOD.
- Thomas King, "Green Grass Running Water"
And it goes on like that at various points in the novel. As of right now it's a mix of Canadian Indian creation myth and the stories we read in the Bible. Later on, Moby Dick and Moby Jane (har-har) show up and things start to get really interesting.
I'm looking forward to actually studying this book a bit. It's just so weird.
Anyway, much to do, much to think about. The last few days have given me SO much to try to wrap my head around; kind of cool but at the same time it seems a little bit daunting. My poor brain.
I'm moving out of Ashlee's today and I cannot believe it's been nearly a month... I guess it's been - let me check - 24 days. Crazy! If we were to be living together for an extended period of time, we'd have to pow wow about a few changes that I would require, and I'm sure she'd have some as well. But the fact that this isn't OUR place, this is HER place means that I just let a lot of stuff slide. And the fact that I was essentially a HOUSEGUEST not a ROOMMATE means that she lets a lot of stuff slide. It's not so cut and dry, but we got along rather well.
My mom is really excited about me coming home. I think it's cute and funny. I was living about 5 minutes away... she said she had to stand in the doorway to my messy bedroom and pout. :). Sounds like Mom!
What will she do if I get accepted for this exchange? I have to drive out to campus for a question and answer session about it today... I've been working on it a lot in the last few weeks. Ooooh man I hope that it works out. I think it would be great! Lavonne just got back from doing a semester in Lithuania through TWU and she just has some incredible stories. Overall, she says "DO IT." YES SIR! I found my references, thank goodness, now I just have to convince them that I'm an exceptional person; intelligent, well-rounded, service-oriented. Let me rephrase: Now I just have to lie ;). Kidding, I hope. I'll just bribe my way onto that plane! :D!
I'm listening to Sarah Slean. I have heard of her many times, but never listened to her work. It's different than I expected but quite pretty.
Speaking of new things - I'm reading this book for one of my English classes and it so, SO funny. Really interesting, especially one of the many story lines that's happening in the text. The Lone Ranger, Hawkeye, Ishmael, and Robinson Crusoe and trying to retell the first few chapters of Genesis and it's... just so out there. Actually, here's a bit of it, just for s and gs -

First Woman's garden. That good woman makes a garden and she lives there with Ahdamn. I don't know where he comes from. Things like that happen, you know.
So there is that garden. And there is First Woman and Ahdamn. And everything is perfect. And everything is beautiful. And everything is boring.
So First Woman goes walking around with her head in the clouds, looking in the sky for things that are bent and need fixing. So she doesn't see that tree. So that tree doesn't see her. So they bump into each other.
Pardon me, says that Tree, maybe you would like something to eat.
That would be nice, says First Woman, and all sorts of good things to eat fall out of that Tree. Apples fall out. Melons fall out. Bananas fall out. Hot dogs. Fry break, corn, potatoes. Pizza. Extra-crispy fried chicken.
Thank you, says First Woman, and she picks up all that food and brings it back to Ahdamn.
Talking trees! Talking trees! says that GOD. What kind of a world is this?
"Did someone say food?" says Coyote.
"Sit down," I says. "Boy, this story is going to take a long time."
So that good woman brings all that food back to Ahdamn. Ahdamn is busy. He is naming everything.
You are a microwave oven, Ahdamn tells the Elk.
Nope, says that Elk. Try again.
You are a garage sale, Ahdamn tells the Bear.
We got to get you some glasses, says the Bear.
You are a telephone book, Ahdamn tells the Cedar Tree.
You're getting closer, says the Cedar Tree.
You are a cheeseburger, Ahdamn tells Old Coyote.
It must be time for lunch, says Old Coyote.
Never mind that, First Woman tells Ahdamn. Here is something to eat.
Wait a minute, says that GOD. That's my garden. That's my stuff.
"Don't talk to me," I says. "You better talk to First Woman."
You bet I will, says that GOD.
- Thomas King, "Green Grass Running Water"
And it goes on like that at various points in the novel. As of right now it's a mix of Canadian Indian creation myth and the stories we read in the Bible. Later on, Moby Dick and Moby Jane (har-har) show up and things start to get really interesting.
I'm looking forward to actually studying this book a bit. It's just so weird.
Anyway, much to do, much to think about. The last few days have given me SO much to try to wrap my head around; kind of cool but at the same time it seems a little bit daunting. My poor brain.
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