There are worse thigns!
yeah like that is my bgreatste secet! ther are more improtant things than that. ashlee is driving megs home. and id dyou know that ashlee isn't even her real name? well as long as we're selling SECRETS i mean. gah. she's a silly girl but she's got a great heart and i'm glad that she has a big studio in which to DANCE.
ooooooh i get to go to church otmorrow! well i guess it's todfay. i'm so looking forward to that. i like church a lot. ross is very challenging and makes me want to really DELVE into what the Word of GOd has to say. but ashlee needs to stop threatnine to tell pelpe because that's mean of her!11 hehehe. to be honet i dn't really care. i'm appalled at my lack of eloquence and grammar dam,mit i hate iut when peole can't spe,l things.
i have to go to gw in the morning so i must bid you adieu ... KIRI I MISS YOU AND I'M SO GLAD THAT YOu ARE HAVING FUN IN CALGARY BE SAFE THOUGH OK SWEETIE? AND I'M EXCTIEDA BOUT YORU NEW BOYFRIEND!!!!!!! YIPPE. AND THE bleep IS STILL A bleep iof you know waht i mean.
can you belive i've only had a few to dirnk? i't slike coffee.. vereeeeeey potent. at least i nkow i'll be a cheap date when i stop being a spinster
ooooooh i get to go to church otmorrow! well i guess it's todfay. i'm so looking forward to that. i like church a lot. ross is very challenging and makes me want to really DELVE into what the Word of GOd has to say. but ashlee needs to stop threatnine to tell pelpe because that's mean of her!11 hehehe. to be honet i dn't really care. i'm appalled at my lack of eloquence and grammar dam,mit i hate iut when peole can't spe,l things.
i have to go to gw in the morning so i must bid you adieu ... KIRI I MISS YOU AND I'M SO GLAD THAT YOu ARE HAVING FUN IN CALGARY BE SAFE THOUGH OK SWEETIE? AND I'M EXCTIEDA BOUT YORU NEW BOYFRIEND!!!!!!! YIPPE. AND THE bleep IS STILL A bleep iof you know waht i mean.
can you belive i've only had a few to dirnk? i't slike coffee.. vereeeeeey potent. at least i nkow i'll be a cheap date when i stop being a spinster
Hahahahha, oh your awesome! I love drunk Sara. She's FUN:D
Brea, at 1:06 p.m.
I second Brea's opinion!
Thanks Sara, I love you and miss you too :D!!! I will call you tomorrow (Tuesday) and we can have a chat. I meant to call you Thursday but after my lab I felt like doing nothing but sleeping haha.
Anonymous, at 2:56 p.m.
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