Sara's Ramblings

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Miss Grumpy

I do not know what is WRONG with me! Mood swing city. One minute I'm a grump, then I'm beaming, then I'm grumpy again. It's stupid. I'm stupid.

But then sometimes people say things that make me laugh. So I'm going to share a few things that I heard today that I wrote down for silliness. Namely things that I heard my profs say. Maybe it will help me to not be such a crab!

"I find it really quite disgusting... but anyway, that's their custom." - AG

"A stag. It looks more like an ant but let's just go with it." - AS

"You're all EVIL. And so am I." - AS

"Lo and behold it reversed itself and he had to go in for a second vasectomy. Lucky stiff" [long pause... he realises the pun...] "Oh my gosh" [covers his face with his hand] - RH

"You're ugly! I'm running away." - PM

"I can't see the problem therefore there is no problem." - PM

"It becomes quite clear when you read the text" said TH, waving his laser pointer at an overhead of hieroglyphics.

"They went skinnydipping. It HAPPENS when you're around water." - AG

"Now that I've really gotten to know you, I don't like you." - AS

"Unless you live in Asia, DON'T FIGHT IN ASIA. Ohhhhh let's go fight in Asia!" - AS

Alright so some of those aren't really that hilarious. But I think they're kind of funny.



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