Sara's Ramblings

Thursday, January 06, 2005

400 is the magic number

- 1 cup of coffee = me buzzed for hours
- 1/2 a Smirnoff Ice = me already feeling it
- 1 dose of cough syrup = me loopy

It's amazing how little it takes for me to go nuts. It's almost time for me to drug myself up again, too! Mwuahahaha.

Ashlee has a fetish for country music. I knew this coming into the game. I didn't realise, however, that the fetish often extends to country music videos on full blast. The best part is that she just turned it up, literally as I was typing that. We all have our quirks... I'll just have to dequirk her hehehe.

Yesterday was the first day of the new semester, and it started bloody early! I left by 6 40 am and didn't get home til nearly 7 30. But it's worth it to have Tuesday and Thursday off. It's worth it it's worth it. I'm just glad that I don't work downtown. Three hours of commuting every day for years would be intolerable I think.

I have an Irish prof for Eng 221 which is really cool. I love his accent. We're starting with Frankenstein, so my guess of 1984 wasn't exactly dead on, but it was a great book nonetheless.

Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt 304 looks like it's going to be pretty interesting. This prof is a German, though seemingly not so much a crazy German. I had a feeling that you couldn't really base an entire class on that subject, so I'm relieved to confirm that we're going to be getting a lot of history in there as well.

I've got Eng 230b with Globe again, and it should be good. Even though we have to read half of Exodus for tomorrow. I think I might just... not. I've read it before. It'll all come back to me I'm sure.

Poli 260 also looks like it's going to be pretty interesting. The prof wrote the textbook, so I think he will probably know the material covered in it, unless he wrote it on an extended opium binge. He even made fun of himself by saying, "I think the man who wrote this is, quite frankly, a genius" and then nearly knocked a table over. He basically talked about his field and the things going on in our little world today:

Sens: And what the hell is going on in the Sudan? What the HELL is going on?!!!!

Needless to say he is fine with me mentioning the concert to the class next time ;).


Ashlee (just now, yelling at the tv angrily): SCREW YOU, SHANIA! Shania is a country sellout, that stupid homewrecker. MAKE IT GO AWAY.

And now she's fully aware of the fact that I'm writing down the things that she's saying. It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! Either that or it's the cough medicine.

And I have bio again as well..........................

Moving on.

I had a nice two hour break during which I put up about 150 posters. Pretty good, huh? Then I went by Shea's office and introduced myself (in my hello my name is Mr. Macdonald cough hack wheeeeeze style)and give him some posters. Apparently UBC has a promotions TEAM that helps to put up posters and stuff. Sweet. Better than me.

After all of my classes I had a meeting with Gina and Cara, the girls who are helping me organize the concert. Things seem like they're going ok... when we were done I went down to the Pit and gave the woman a poster to put up. She really, really discourages me. Every time I talk to her. She seems so negative. I think she thinks the concert is going to be a bust, which has me a bit paranoid. She looked the poster up and down and remarked, "ooooh do you think you can actually sell out? That's more than we usually charge." Well you usually don't have Stabilo. You usually don't have bands that are good at all. And this time we have three. I'm trying not to be down in the dumps. I think there are 400 people who would go... we just have to reach them somehow. I bought my ticket last night. From the pile that I have. I'm trying to keep things optimistic by setting an example... although I'm SURE I could sneak in ;).

Of course I'd love to sell out. But even 250 would be great. They basically said we have to guarantee 200. I didn't think it would be a problem. No, I DON'T think it will be a problem. She is just negative. And it's spreading. Must not get dejected. Must get healthy instead. No, it's too late. I'm all worried again. Haha.

I think it's stupid that people respond to some things with such vigor, and others with none whatsoever. Like, why is there a Sudan benefit now? Why not years go? Well in my case it was a flash of an idea that hit me while I was sitting at the Cactus Club on Broadway, so maybe that's not the best example :P. It seems odd to me that it hasn't gathered more attention, and it frustrates me that this is the way that the world is structured. Truly, I understand that you can't give to everything. But if everyone gave a little bit, things would suck less. The tsunami and earthquake that happened a few weeks ago is definitely a tragedy of terrible loss and destruction - according to Gina (she's the president of the UBC Red Cross) 3 billion US has been raised so far. I think that is spectacular.

I just wonder why people (and I don't pretend that I'm not included) don't invest more (money and of their SELVES) into things that maybe can be prevented? Tsuami's you can't control. But what about the killing of the innocent... it's not even a money thing so much as informing people I guess. Just as many people have died over there... and let's not get started on AIDS. Meh this certainly isn't something to be reconcilced in my blog ;). But if I let myself get depressed by thinking about all these things all the time, then I'm not really going to be very useful. I DO think it is pretty awesome that 3 billion has come in so far for tsunami relief. It means that we aren't numb yet. And we aren't like Oceaniac society in 1984 (good book good book) where everyone is driven by hate and fear. Maybe our problem is just apathy. I think our "problem" should be love :D!! Hahaha! They laughed at me in philosophy when I suggested that the moral theory of our society should be based on love. Love for God, love for ourselves, and love for others. I'm a bit naive and it's base I know, but it's all good ;).

Wow I started this 45 mins ago. But I took a phone call and Ashlee made me watch a music video and I coughed up one of my lungs in the meantime.

I'm going to make chicken wings for dinner...


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