Sara's Ramblings

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A Nice Cup of Tea III

I'm sick of being sick... I feel so useless. My concentration isn't up to snuff due to being stuffed up and medicated. I find my mind wandering (more than usual) and so I have spent a great deal of the last week worrying about this concert. Four days... it's coming up so quickly and still there are things to figure out. I'm trying not to get annoyed, because being annoyed doesn't fix things. Staying grounded and humble will not only help me mentally, but it's probably going to help me get better quicker than freaking out.

YA last night. I did sound. "I" "did" "sound". Basically I stood up there and slid a few faders up and down a couple times. I made sure that it didn't suck, though, because it's not as though I don't care. There weren't any complaints, not even from the friendly-but-high-maintenance VW-driving soundguy. He probably understood (from the dilated pupils and the dazed hello that I gave him) the unspoken truth: "I will cough ALL OVER YOU so don't push it". Aww I'm such a sweetheart. HAHAHAHAHA.

I went to Shelice's baby shower on Sunday. I tried to stay away from her, and Kell and I left a bit early... once I started to space out. Shelice looks so cute. She looks like herself, except there is a beachball under her shirt. I'm going to post a picture as soon as I feel so inspired. Maybe the one of her sitting in her mother's lap. Yeah. That one. My cousin is so beautiful! Such a lovely prego.

Speaking of beautiful and pictures, Jamie updated his website - - I would once again urge you to take a peek. Talent like that makes me want to kick people's asses. Some sort of old skool throwdown. I don't know.

Church on Sunday was so interesting. I went in the evening, and by then I was spent. I wandered around dazedly for a while. I have no idea what Ross said. I was really, really spacing by then. I sat really close so that the fear of embarrassment would keep me awake. And it sure did. I couldn't sing, so I just clapped a little bit and observed everyone else worshipping. It was a very cool experience. One of the things that I love most about doing sound is that I am in a tiny way helping other people to experience Jesus and it's neat to see. But you're kind of removed when you're doing sound. This time I was in the crowd and surrounded by other worshippers. I thought it was really special. It made me very emotional. I had to leave a couple times to cough up first my right, and then my left lung, but yeah. I liked it. Very much.

Upcoming events that are fun:
January 13 (Thursday) - Sarah Latheron and her band of merry gentlemen - Backstage Lounge on Granville (pretty view of the bridge!) - 9 30 ish - $6 - Verdict? Oh yes. Sarah Latheron is so good. I cannot believe that we are fortunate enough to see them for $6. I've had this in my Palm since the end of November!

January 14 (Friday) - Chris Moerman and Jesse Dryfhout - Elgin Hall (White Rock) - 7 30 - $15 (goes to tsunami relief) - Verdict? Yeah I'll be there too. Ashlee was singing Everybody in her class last Tuesday and some guy's friend is putting this on. Small world. If, however, you can only attend one Stabilo concert in the next while, I would suggest the following day as an alternative ;)

January 15 (Saturday) - Stabilo, Sarah Latheron and her band of merry gentlemen, Myke Madison, Speakers from the Sudan, African drummers - UBC Pit Pub - 7 30 ish - $10 / $12 (goes to Sudan) - Verdict? I think we all know that I'll be at this one... it will be YOUR job to keep your anal retentive friend Sara from freaking out (you should probably keep her slightly liquored up at all times). This is going to be an amazing night I think. So far nearly everything has gone according to the vision that I had in my head. But... the vision also included a packed house, so I trust it'll be full.

I need a job. I had been hoping to get my resumes out last week, but then I got sick so that ruined everything. I would like to do something that actually makes a difference. Of course, most of those jobs are careers rather than part time work, or they are volunteer. If I didn't need money I'd just wander over to the church and tell them to put me to work. Alas. Money does make some things in this world go around. So ideally I will find a job that will allow me to help something or someone in some way. I don't care if it pays much. And if I can't do that, then I'll just take anything. Except maybe McDonald's... and even that's a maybe if push comes to shove.

So far Brea and Stef are winning my little quizzical. No one seems to know what kind of car I drive. Sneaky Bubba!

Ashlee wants me to edit her short story, so I think I shall do that. It's about a girl named Sara (who, go figure, seems a lot like me!) and her boyfriend (who, go figure, seems a lot like a guy that I might fancy). Only he gets killed while she gets stabbed and left for dead (but don't worry she survives!!)... it's called "Nightmare". I think I should be very nice to Ashlee... in fact maybe I should just tell her the story is perfect and not risk it............................


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