A Nice Cup of Tea
Today was the first in 2 days that I've ventured outside. I was starting to suffer from cabin fever! I don't understand how I can be not getting better. I've been taking my medicine, sleeping lots, doing NOTHING for DAYS and yet, here I am, still sick, and perhaps getting worse. I drove over to the clinic today and the doctor says that at this point it's not bacterial, but he wrote me up a prescription for antibiotics, "just in case". Just in case? Doctors don't normally just give people prescriptions for the hell of it. So I'm not sure what that means, but I hope that I'm better by Monday! I have to go to UBC either way ;).
Being sick always pisses me off. I try to will myself better... "c'mon Sara you can do it". But I can't, unfortunately. I'm tired of feeling like crap, looking like I'm on morphine, and sounding like a male... and I don't like not being able to see people. Even when people call I have to get rid of them as soon as possible because it hurts to talk, as delightful as they are.
Meh. I figure I can handle being sick for a few more days AS LONG as I'm better in time for the concert. Because I WILL be there. No one else is up for MCing, so I'm going to be doing that, and it would help to have a voice (although we could probably raise some more money if we advertised Sara the Incredible Manly-Voiced Woman as part of some light circus entertainment).
I'm trying to console myself (whiny baby that I am), so when I was at Pennisula Village I picked up some Earl Grey because I like it and it makes me feel warmer. [NB it's decaf ;)].
Yesterday I read Frankenstein. It was really something. And I am really something - I managed to scare myself and get all creeped out thinking about it. I think I have an overactive mind. I KNOW I have an overactive mind. Needless to say, by the time I was ready to go to sleep, I had all these scary thoughts in my head and the windchime was slamming against the window downstairs like someone was trying to get it. SomeONE or someTHING!!!!! Soooo I ended up having to read one of Ashlee's Harlequin Romance novels for a little while before bed so that I wouldn't have nightmares... So far there's a cowboy from Florida named Slade, and a free-spirited woman named Karma who runs a matchmaking business. He's come looking for a wife (to help him run his ranch), and his dream woman is, of course, completely different from Karma. And yet, go figure! They are both instantly drawn to one another. When I left off, they were denying their common attraction, and she had just flipped her bicycle off the pier. Being a free spirit, she had come wearing a sari, which conveniently floated away once she fell into the water. Don't worry, though, folks, he's a cowboy, remember? True to their gallant and gentlemanly reputation, Slade left to fetch her a robe, which he tossed to her after turning his back. Nothing like slapstick pre-smut smut to clear the head of all its woes ;).
I think I'm going to have some more tea. And pretend that I'm not staying in (again), on a Saturday night ;). On that note, I'm up for msn chats HINT HINT. :D. In case YOU feel like staying in as well.
Being sick always pisses me off. I try to will myself better... "c'mon Sara you can do it". But I can't, unfortunately. I'm tired of feeling like crap, looking like I'm on morphine, and sounding like a male... and I don't like not being able to see people. Even when people call I have to get rid of them as soon as possible because it hurts to talk, as delightful as they are.
Meh. I figure I can handle being sick for a few more days AS LONG as I'm better in time for the concert. Because I WILL be there. No one else is up for MCing, so I'm going to be doing that, and it would help to have a voice (although we could probably raise some more money if we advertised Sara the Incredible Manly-Voiced Woman as part of some light circus entertainment).
I'm trying to console myself (whiny baby that I am), so when I was at Pennisula Village I picked up some Earl Grey because I like it and it makes me feel warmer. [NB it's decaf ;)].
Yesterday I read Frankenstein. It was really something. And I am really something - I managed to scare myself and get all creeped out thinking about it. I think I have an overactive mind. I KNOW I have an overactive mind. Needless to say, by the time I was ready to go to sleep, I had all these scary thoughts in my head and the windchime was slamming against the window downstairs like someone was trying to get it. SomeONE or someTHING!!!!! Soooo I ended up having to read one of Ashlee's Harlequin Romance novels for a little while before bed so that I wouldn't have nightmares... So far there's a cowboy from Florida named Slade, and a free-spirited woman named Karma who runs a matchmaking business. He's come looking for a wife (to help him run his ranch), and his dream woman is, of course, completely different from Karma. And yet, go figure! They are both instantly drawn to one another. When I left off, they were denying their common attraction, and she had just flipped her bicycle off the pier. Being a free spirit, she had come wearing a sari, which conveniently floated away once she fell into the water. Don't worry, though, folks, he's a cowboy, remember? True to their gallant and gentlemanly reputation, Slade left to fetch her a robe, which he tossed to her after turning his back. Nothing like slapstick pre-smut smut to clear the head of all its woes ;).
I think I'm going to have some more tea. And pretend that I'm not staying in (again), on a Saturday night ;). On that note, I'm up for msn chats HINT HINT. :D. In case YOU feel like staying in as well.
Here's a link to a nice cup of tea...
none, at 12:31 a.m.
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