Sara's Ramblings

Friday, January 14, 2005

"Two females found dead in freak toothbrush incident"

Megs slept over last night. It makes no sense whatsoever because she lives in North Van and has to go there today for class.... but whatever. We had a freakishly good time driving back to White Rock as usual. We usually spend about 1/2 of the time talking about Jesus and the other 1/2 shrieking like idiots about stupid things. This was no exception.

When it came time to brush our teeth we were both still laughing and nearly choked on our toothrbrushes at the same time. It was good times all around.

I went to bed at like 2 and woke up at 3 30 with thoughts of Sudan and the concert swimming around in my head. (When will I learn that coffee is my enemy?) So I spent the rest of the night with Meghan's occastional snoring and sleep talk providing the soundtrack to my thoughts.

OK now I have to catch le bus. But I'll leave you with this:

"This is the world's greatest parasite. It's going to steal everyrhing it wants from its host. And it doesn't stop for like 18 years. Interesting that it bears a striking resemblence to the way a tumor grows." - RH on embyro and fetus development.

Oooh, Megs just made me some coffee. *Clearly the lesson has not been learned*


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