Sara's Ramblings

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Catching Up II - LEGGINGS!

Before I begin, I'm implementing a system of rations for people who don't feel they can handle a blogging frenzy (aka "I can't read that much!"). I'm calling it the T Guide for "no" reason in particular.

T Guide: Read this on Monday

Like I said, Kell's ankle is broken. It's just a hairline fracture thank goodness. We tried to come up with some amazing story about how we were street fighting and she broke it while kicking ass, but in truth, it happened whilst she was "leap-frogging over a fat kid". Her words, not mine. It's actually pretty funny; she was at Tae Kwon Do and she was just sort of walking past all the tall and big kids but then the master of the studio was watching so she had to try to jump over this kid. Then after she fell, Master Chang, who is also a doctor of acupuncture, started to stick needles in her foot. The other foot. Gah.

What was I saying? I think I'm going senile already (which reminds me it's getting close to my birthday!). Oh yes. So we got our x-rays and my doc called and said she wanted to do a follow up. Oh ick. BUT! Apparently the ligament (tendon? thinger?) that's holding my patella in place is a bit messed up but they don't have to cut me! Huzzah. "You cut me and I'll cut you!!!"

I did some Tomko-ing on Thursday and Friday and had some good times with Nicki. Saw Trevor “T-Dawg” Neufeld who was going to put up a Mammoth system (HAHAHAHAHAHA sucks to be him!), but by far the best part was when I saw Mike (my dad’s business partner aka my boss). I was thinking to myself, “well now that’s strange; his shoes look really big.” It wasn’t until I had looked at him for a good ten seconds that I realized that he was wearing black leggings. Yes you can laugh. In fact, I’m laughing right now. Oh dear. It was really spectacular. Made my day. It was almost as cool as the time when I turned on his truck and Clear FM came on loud and… clear (nyuk nyuk). Trevor turned on his car too so we could listen to it in STEREO behind the warehouse, and a disgruntled and embarrassed Mike came running down to try to shut off the Celine Dion before his reputation was destroyed forever. Too late!


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