Catching up I
Well it's Sunday which means that I can write in here. Basically, this little baby is one of the things that I'm giving up for Lent this season, under a common theme. I thought that Zahida had made it quite clear on my behalf in the comments section, but for those of you who actually seemed to be upset by my lack of blogging, here it is:
In the meantime, I'm trying to think of what's been going on. It's really a shame that I didn't get to post again before Lent began because I didn't want the previous post to be the last one! Oh well. I actually started to write another, but then it was past midnight before I was done and I had to trash it. I haven't discussed the "situation" with said person, but I figure it's a)too late now; b)not worth it c)meh I was too chicken anyway. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
What else, what else? I did sound at church on Sunday, which is why I didn't take advantage of the "Lenten Loophole" (sounds like a line dance!) last week. It went quite well. I was having nightmares all week about it going just TERRIBLY but nothing blew up. I had a couple token screwups, but they're getting fewer and far between and Trev helped out a lot. Good times. The BEST part about Sunday was when the congregation was singing. It was kind of like, yup, He's here. I haven't really had that experience at church for a while, and I was getting really worried. Maybe it's just God's way of saying, "I'm here, you just have to look and wait". I love how God gives us not only the things we need, but things we want, both small and big. In care group we're supposed to write down how we have experienced God's love in the last while, so I've been thinking about it more. And that's a good thing, Martha! [Speaking of which, Ms. Stewart is getting out soon I hear! EEEEEP!!! We're going to have a criminal among us!!!]
Valentine's Day was great. I know lots of people get bitter or depressed by I kind of like it! I think it's sweet. Highly overrated but fun to watch nonetheless. Anyway it rocked because it was the first day of reading break so I got to sleep in! Woke up at 8 (which is highly unusual in itself!) and then as I was about to get up, I passed out again. YES. So I actually got up at 10. What a treat. Then I didn't do anything really. Did some bio, went for a walk, my mom, sister, and dog came home from Whistler, and then my cg went to Joe's to bake sugar cookies. That was fun. Tonnes-o-fun! Joe can solve a Rubix cube in like three minutes!! He is fantastic!
Oh gosh it really puts life into perspective when you don't blog for twelve days. All the stuff that I would normally blog about every day seems not quite as important. BOOO. This is the longest that I've gone since starting to blog and it's weird. I miss it.
Anyway I'm getting carried away.
What the heck else did I do? OH. My knee! I finally gave in and went to the clinic last week and she wanted me to get x-rays and basically my patella is like, way on the side and that's apparently not normal. So I went and got all x-rayed and she told me to be prepared if they needed to go in there and fix things up ie operate on it. Gahhhh. The good news (the "good news") is that Kell also had x-rays that needed to be done so we got to go together. Like a family outing. To the hospital. Her ankle is broken.
Shoot. I will finish this later. The theme of part II is LEGGINGS.
Nice to see you've stuck to your word about not blogging for a bit. Remember that Sundays don't count in the 40 days of Lent.
In the meantime, I'm trying to think of what's been going on. It's really a shame that I didn't get to post again before Lent began because I didn't want the previous post to be the last one! Oh well. I actually started to write another, but then it was past midnight before I was done and I had to trash it. I haven't discussed the "situation" with said person, but I figure it's a)too late now; b)not worth it c)meh I was too chicken anyway. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
What else, what else? I did sound at church on Sunday, which is why I didn't take advantage of the "Lenten Loophole" (sounds like a line dance!) last week. It went quite well. I was having nightmares all week about it going just TERRIBLY but nothing blew up. I had a couple token screwups, but they're getting fewer and far between and Trev helped out a lot. Good times. The BEST part about Sunday was when the congregation was singing. It was kind of like, yup, He's here. I haven't really had that experience at church for a while, and I was getting really worried. Maybe it's just God's way of saying, "I'm here, you just have to look and wait". I love how God gives us not only the things we need, but things we want, both small and big. In care group we're supposed to write down how we have experienced God's love in the last while, so I've been thinking about it more. And that's a good thing, Martha! [Speaking of which, Ms. Stewart is getting out soon I hear! EEEEEP!!! We're going to have a criminal among us!!!]
Valentine's Day was great. I know lots of people get bitter or depressed by I kind of like it! I think it's sweet. Highly overrated but fun to watch nonetheless. Anyway it rocked because it was the first day of reading break so I got to sleep in! Woke up at 8 (which is highly unusual in itself!) and then as I was about to get up, I passed out again. YES. So I actually got up at 10. What a treat. Then I didn't do anything really. Did some bio, went for a walk, my mom, sister, and dog came home from Whistler, and then my cg went to Joe's to bake sugar cookies. That was fun. Tonnes-o-fun! Joe can solve a Rubix cube in like three minutes!! He is fantastic!
Oh gosh it really puts life into perspective when you don't blog for twelve days. All the stuff that I would normally blog about every day seems not quite as important. BOOO. This is the longest that I've gone since starting to blog and it's weird. I miss it.
Anyway I'm getting carried away.
What the heck else did I do? OH. My knee! I finally gave in and went to the clinic last week and she wanted me to get x-rays and basically my patella is like, way on the side and that's apparently not normal. So I went and got all x-rayed and she told me to be prepared if they needed to go in there and fix things up ie operate on it. Gahhhh. The good news (the "good news") is that Kell also had x-rays that needed to be done so we got to go together. Like a family outing. To the hospital. Her ankle is broken.
Shoot. I will finish this later. The theme of part II is LEGGINGS.
Hey Sara
i kinda just skimmed through your blog and found you share some of the same interests as i do. also you live in BC so we're pretty much neighbors in comparison to all the other people that are on Blogger. You live in White Rock? I think i saw something about that place on a surf film called 49 degrees....but i cant remember what exactly it had to say about White Rock. anyways...i'm just rambling so i'll get going.
Mark, at 3:45 p.m.
Hi Mark,
I actually live in South Surrey, but who wants to admit that they're a Surrey girl? It's basically White Rock anyway. It's a little seaside town with a couple gorgeous beaches but it's being developed like crazy.
You're in Calgary? I dunno, that's a 14 hour busride (I've done it!), but in the grand scheme of things I guess we are neighbors. One of my dearests friends is at U of C.
In response to your other comment:
- that side of my family is German / Russian / Czechoslovakian / Austrian / Swiss.... thus the "Opa"
- I go to an alliance church. What denomination does that make me? I think it's called "global missions" but I would say I'm just a crazy Christian
- I don't snowboard; I prefer to ski badly ;)
- I've never surfed... somehow I imagine falling off and hitting my face very hard on the board. But maybe one day I'll try it :)
Sara, at 4:35 p.m.
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