Sara's Ramblings

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Crazy like Derrida

I have Culture Club in my head. Woot. You know what I love about "woot"? It's sooooo.... melancholy.

Moving on to things of much more "importance".

To be completely honest, I don't remember February, let alone March. The lines are so blurry.

Well what do you know, I’m going to Disneyworld after all! It’s scrumtrillescent! Got a text message from John the day after I last blogged (whenever that was… must’ve been a Sunday of sorts):

J: Call me as soon as you get this! I have news!

Before I continue I must insert the previous events of that day (a Monday I think it was); digression on a grand scale!!! Woot!

I really didn’t think the day could get any better. I went to visit my 221 prof because I wanted to make my own term paper topic instead of writing on one that he had assigned. Trust me to try to work Jacques Derrida into something. My Arts One girlies are probably shaking their heads at me, but whatever. I don’t try to defend my sanity any more. But heck. If I can’t write a paper on Stabilo, then at least let me bring in some Derrida. Gah he makes me think more than any other writer, hands down. I timidly explained to him what I had in mind and then waited for a “no”, but instead I got:

“How would you like a round house kick to the face? How about I break your legs?”

Oh wait. That’s Kelly.

Let’s try again:

“Jacques Derrida is… one of my heroes. I did my Ph.D. dissertation on his writing and Finnegan’s Wake.”


It’s funny that Derrida can amuse me so. I tried so hard to not get all excited, but I think I pretty much failed. Oh well. Better for the prof to see it now than read it in the paper and be like, “whoa… so that’s what it’s like to write while you’re on an opium binge.”

So now I have this crazy paper that I have to finish by Wednesday (not to mention the one I’m “working on” right now). It’s not due until the 23rd (ahem, my birthday), but I have to get it done early. Why? Well, let’s get back to the original story.

A quick call to John revealed his mother’s click-happy purchase of an extra airplane ticket online. She didn’t have the option to refund, so guess whose name went on there? Well, I’ll give you a hint. She’s crazy and she likes Jacques Derrida. And here’s where it gets even better. Stef agreed to go, and then Brea as well!!!! So it’s going to be the four meese reunited and ruining in a foreign land. The four of us became friends in London a few years ago, so it’ll be déjà vu! Except I paid for London… and I am not paying for this! Wowsers!

Monday was also the night that I led care group for the first time. Can I be honest? I didn’t like it very much. It didn’t feel right. But I’m glad that I had the opportunity to lead; to see what it’s like. I certainly have a lot of respect for those who lead on a regular basis.

On another note, but slightly related, I feel like I’m getting dumber by the second, and I’m not sure what’s going on. It’s beginning to piss me off. A lot. An awful lot.

Monday of this week was Trevor’s birthday (Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Trevor! Happy birthday to you!) and mine is coming up so the groupies went for dinner on Friday evening. I was so, so, SO tired from a) being sick b) writing all these papers / midterms c) something else, so I was a bit, um… dazed. But I have a gracious care group, and they reminded me to blink and stuff like that.

We went to a nice place on Granville Island and would you know it, I was sitting there, dazed and confused, staring at something shiny and thinking about the ridiculousness of things, and then all of a sudden I heard it. Derrida. I think there was a (Michel) Foucault in there somewhere also. Well, you know what happened next. I started shrieking, flailed my arms around, spilled the wine and knocked over the table. Or something like that.

I’m lying. It just woke me up. After le diner we went for a movie. Robots was the film of choice, but it was not available so we saw Be Cool. I think I might have been the only one who enjoyed it… which is a shame, because movies aren’t cheap. But on the flip side, at least I liked it! It energized me a bit. Good, good stuff. Because the second I got home, I drove over to Megs’ for her choir party.

By the time I got there, everyone was festively drunk; especially Meghan. Good times. You know how when people are drunk they think they’re so talented and that they can sing / play the guitar / drum / etc.? Well imagine that times twenty-five. Oh, and these people actually CAN sing / play the guitar / drum / etc. It was incredible. Just like… 40 minute jam session where we were all just feeding off each other, going from song to song, scatting, clapping, strumming. I thoroughly enjoyed being the only sober person there, because I don’t think the rest of them remember it ;).

Saturday was Kelly’s birthday party. Saturday evening, Megs came over and helped me set up the clubhouse a bit. Somehow we ended up in there at 11 pm doing the robot to Maroon 5. And some other stuff. But I don’t want to scare the reader. Sigh. Then we talked about some of the things that really frustrate us. It was good, but very… frustrating. Some things just really bother me. It’s the same for everyone though I guess. I don’t like it though.

This morning I went to a meeting at the church about a new community that is coming from the church but will be separate from PPAC. It was very interesting. I feel like it’s something that I should at least pursue. But at the same time I feel a bit scared. Peace Portal is what I’m used to, and I don’t know if I’m getting mixed signals or what, but I’m not sure what’s going on. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter because I’ll be taking off for Oz soon enough and so it’s not like I have to make a decision right now. It would be interesting though. It’s not like God hasn’t proven Himself to be faithful 100% of the time when I feel Him urging me to take risks. Just not sure about the urge yet.

Today I had some people over for a birthday thinger. It was fun. I was tired. I’m such a zombie these days and I can’t help myself. I make bad decisions, and that’s kind of the bottom line. I can’t stop daydreaming and I stay up late and I… just make bad decisions in many areas of my life I guess is what it comes down to. Sigh. I’m displeased and disappointed. I wish I could be stronger, but I’m so lazy. And especially in the last few weeks, I’ve wanted nothing more than to sleep.

It was a lovely day though, and so nice to see people. My mom is so cute… I say I want a low-key chance to hang out with friends. She says, “OK I ordered the cake and you need to get balloons and tablecloths and etc.” I managed to convince her to nix the candles and the singing of Happy Birthday. I think it’s sweet that she always gets excited about stuff like that.

I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to “sleep all, sleep all day. Sleep all, sleep all day.” Ahh Jason Mraz.

OK that’s just about enough from me. I’ll probably be twenty before I blog next. Wow. I’m bloody old.


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