Sara's Ramblings

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Happy Birthday

Today is my Opa's 75th birthday. We had a good ol' German-style crazyfest at the clubouse in their development. It was really nice. I stole Kye from Shelice (though she was looking forward to a half hour break I think). I can't believe he's a month old; it's insanity! Where on earth did February go? Whoa!

And now for some more out-of-context quotes that continue to paint a very interesting portrait of some of the people in my life:


"There's no room left in our family. You have two choices: a cork in the head or back into the womb." - Kelly

"Yeah there's no alcohol at this party." - Mom
"Knowing our family, there's booze in the butter." - Sara
"Yeah... the 'adult' butter." - Kelly

"Eww! Rainbow jelly! The dog eats her own [...] and she won't even go near that." - Kelly
"Are you talking about me?" - Andrea

"Are you eyeing my wine? I'm just going to drink it from the bottle." - Kelly

"I don't know why I'm laughing... I can't even hear what you're saying." - Shelby

"We need to get you a brown paper bag." - Mike (to Kelly, who is wandering around with a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling raspberry juice)

"OH! Rich is here! HE will have wine!" - Andrea

"How would you like me to kick you in the face?" - Kelly

"Let's paint your room. Then eat the paint." - Kelly

"I'm so tired from drinking all that wine." - Kelly

"Sara, if we DO end up taking over the entire world, why will we need an army? - Dyllon (my 11 year old genius cousin who is as tall as me)
"Well what about aliens?" - Sara
"Oh. Good point." - Dyllon

"Bugs! Naked bugs! Flying naked bugs!" - Kelly as Sara as Gil Grissom


I'm leading care group tomorrow night. So far I have no idea what I want to discuss and I'm a bit worried about that. As of now the plan is to just stare at each other for a few hours. I'll call that one Plan B.

Man oh man... unless something bad and unforseeable happens, I'll be going to Australia in four months. There is so much to do, so many things to fill out and get done and collect and figure out and arrange. But I'm so excited. A little overwhelmed to be completely honest, and yet I know it will be worth it.

Anyway... I have to help Kelly set up her new iPod mini.


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