No T-Guide to Follow
I'll admit. The T-Guide was lame. This week I'll leave you with some things that I'm sure will be on my mind as I journey from Monday to Sunday. And, because a picture is worth a thousand words, I figure I'll save some time and do that.

So have a good week... and love each other...

So have a good week... and love each other...
Sara, can you bring me back a koala bear from Australia!! OK? ok! I'm glad we cleared that up!
Anonymous, at 8:07 a.m.
Spring Time Woo's
It appears that spring is just as evil as winter. I walk out to our detached garage. My first sign that the next 10 minutes were gonna suck was when the snow that i stepped on collapsed into a nice footfull of water, so I looked ahead and realized my feet are going to be wet, so I made a run for it. TO find out that our garage has a nice 4 inches of WATER IN IT :| I was not impressed with the situation at all. So I called our landlord and he's like YES, There's NOTHING i can do about it, it's like that eVERY YEAR. blah blah woof woof. BUT on the other hand rumor has it a certain group of incredibly crazy individuals (who should be insitutionalized than being allowed to roam aimlessly) are going to be coagulating in a certain theme park that we'll call DisneyWORLD! It will be good times... hot times... unlike right now... my feet and pants are wet. I don't like wet feet....
Anonymous, at 12:58 p.m.
Hey, Sara, it's Gloria. Thanks for dropping a was really nice to run into you too. By the way, I don't understand your pictures. Oh well...have a nice time in..Florida, was it?
Anonymous, at 10:35 p.m.
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