Sara's Ramblings

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sara Procrastination Macdonald

OK so I'm not exactly telling the truth. But I was thinking "gee, procrastination is my middle name". Plus, Procrastination is a bit more exotic than Johanne. It's not like I haven't been TRYING to write my paper... because I have. Sitting in front of my computer, staring blankly at the monitor, I have waited for inspiration. And I have ideas, many ideas, churning and whirling in my head, but nothing has materialised into a complete paper. It's about 1/2 done. I will finish it of course, but I wonder if there is a way to change the way I write. It needs to be something that I can force, dammit! "OK, be creative... NOW." I wish. That Derrida paper was my best by far and it was written in 40 minutes but I prepared for a few days... it's the preparation that requires discipline and will help me in the future.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow, after say... 1 o'clock. Then my paper will be in the hot little hands of Dr. Globe, and the anticipation of the retreat will help me to get through my bio class. I can't wait to get up to the mountain. There's something about the air in the mountains that is almost sweet. I find that really good air and really good water has a sweetness to it. Maybe it's because it's so fresh or something. Mmm. Reminds me of Whatcom... I only went there once this summer, which is kind of sad.

Zahida's birthday is tomorrow. I'm taking her out NEXT Friday and I just came up with the plan today - I'm pretty pleased with the way things worked out. The Afro-Cuban Allstars are playing at the Chan Centre that evening, so I'm going to take her out for dinner and then we're going to go listen to some lovely latin / cuban music. Thank goodness for bright and colourful posters, or I would have had no idea that they were coming. Like mountain air, there's just something about seeing a vibrant band live and in the flesh... you can tell on their recordings that they have zazz (hmm that should be the word of the day), but to see and experience it in a show is different. Woohoo.

Zazz: Word stolen from The Simpsons. I take it to mean spunk.

I love NeoCitrin. I'm trying to beat this cold before it actually develops, so it's been chamomile and NeoCitrin and lots of water (they charge for hot water at UBC... isn't that sick? those jerkpantses). Can't say I've been getting much rest, but what else can be expected. This is me.


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