Sara's Ramblings

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Blee Blee Blee Oceano

I am not sure what the exact words of that song are.... Piove sul'oceano. There we go. I have that song in my head right now. I am dead tired, but ImagineUBC was a success in my mind. I met all my MUGgles (as I so affectionately call them), even though some of them were lost and showed up waaaaaaay later in the day. With a sign like "Nietzsche", it's kind of hard to miss. He's the guy that many people enjoy hating! He's also the guy that really helped me to re-affirm that I am a Christian. So I guess I like / dislike him. Anyway. I got to ride the good old bus again today, along with the kabillion other people who are the "regulars". I was fortunate enough to get a seat at 6 3o am, thank goodness. I met my MUGgles and we had a good time chatting. I was really thankful that there weren't any weirdos in my group. I know that sounds bad, but having a group of people and then one maladjusted, freaky person is seriously a damper on an otherwise great group. We were a big group as well. Of course there were a few people with whom I could tell that they didn't really want to spend the whole day hanging out with our group, but for the most part it was pretty darn fun. I was glad to be able to do Imagine again in some ways... except this time I was the one leading it. I hope that I was able to make these people feel more comfortable about school and about life on campus. I intend to keep in touch with them as long as they are wanting to keep in touch with me. I wasn't finished until about 3 30, and then I hopped on the bus. I didn't get a seat on the bus to White Rock, and then I remembered that I don't like standing on the bus. I will have to get back into the fine sport of seat-finding. It should really be in the Olympics because it takes speed, stamina, and craftiness. Haha. My favorite poem to read on the bus was posted on the wall so that made me happy. It's called "the light you take from the lord" by a guy who lives out here named Friesen. It makes me smile. I don't think that I get it, but it makes me smile nonetheless. I am going to call Megs and see how her surgery went and then I'm going to try to stand up (it's been a looooong three days... if I can manage to get my socks off, we'll be in good shape).

Sara "the yellow dart"

OH! Before I forget... I'm doing the AIDS walk in a few weeks out at Stanley Park. If anyone wants to join me or make a donation to support the cause, just let me know!


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