Sara's Ramblings

Sunday, September 05, 2004


I'm in that delightful state of sleepiness. At 9:24 pm on a Sunday night haha! I had a busy day today; I had to be at church by 7:30 this morning to set up for the first service (I got to do sound today - Yay!!). I love doing sound. I wish that I could get better faster, but I guess that people have to work hard at anything in order to improve. What I NEED to do is arrange to have the soundboard moved to my house so that I can practice whenever I feel so inclined. Oh wait, I said I was sleepy, not dreaming. My mistake. Anyway, there were a few "minor" glitches today, but by the evening service, I think I had everything figured out for the most part. I feel so intimidated when there are other soundies lurking around... I feel as though they are ready to pounce and start EQing and changing everything. But wow, they sure do a good job. I would like to be that good one day.

In between services I drove out to UBC, and it was a lovely drive. I love driving. I had to give a presentation to new parents of Arts One, which was a bit intimidating, because I think that they expect us to be eloquent and well-spoken, and I'm a slack-jawed yokel. Whatever. It's THEIR fault for asking me. Just like it was Trevor's fault for leaving his car at work when we shrink-wrapped it. It just makes sense.

I was supposed to get together with Megs tonight so that we could record some songs together, but her dad's in town and her back is hurting her. It must be His will, because I'm really not in the mood, though I must say I'm disappointed that we won't really have much of a chance to do any recording for the next little while. Speaking of singing, my grandparents gave me 2 grand yesterday. Doesn't that rock? Anyway, I've decided that if possible, I'm going to get back into singing lessons because I miss them SO much and I miss singing and learning new things and I don't really have time for anything like a choir. *sigh*. Music rocks.

OOOOH! I went to see Josh Groban on Wednesday..... .... ........ . . ... ................ That man is just one curly-haired ball of talent and class. He was spectacular. He sang so beautifully and he had a really good stage presence, which is important. As a young classical singer, he really did a good job of mixing formality with his age, if that makes any sense. He wore a nice blazer and slacks to begin with, and then by the end he was in a black shirt and dark jeans. And he was wearing skater shoes. I think that's rad - he was also backed by a full string section and mini orchestra with timpani and stuff. The sound guys did an AWESOME job, and everything sounded incredible, even though it was GM Place. I was very pleasantly surprised. He sang lots of his beautiful Italian songs and some Spanish songs and some English songs... I don't think there were any Frenchies in there anywhere, but that's probably for the best. Wow, thank goodness I can type faster than I can write because I have a lot to say. I don't know how relevent any of it is, but whatever.

The guy who opened for Josh is a pianist named William Joseph. He was great. And cute, apparently, though I couldn't tell, because we were so far away. Megs says that he was cute though, so I'll take her word for it. I mean, like I always say, a guy can have a foot sticking out of his head and if he can sing, play the guitar, or play the piano, I will probably still be like *uhbuhhhhh*. Musical guys are my weakness. It's not so much based on looks, which I think is good, but I'm no less fickle than someone who likes studly blonds (eww). Give me a dark-haired musical guy who loves Jesus over that ANY DAY.

I have to go to UBC again TOMORROW for "Leadership training". Like I don't know how to take some kids on a tour of the campus. Bleh. Actually, it's probably a great idea, because otherwise, I will get lost. Which would be funny but embarrassing. And I guess we need to figure out the schedule and stuff. I take it back, I think it's a good idea to be going to this thing tomorrow, though I would really like to sleep in a bit. When I was at UBC I got my U-Pass printed up, so at least I get to ride the bus for free. I think I'll ride the bus tomorrow so that I can sleep for a while and listen to Josh Groban or maybe STING.

That's who I'm listening to now. I totally forgot that he is coming with Annie Lennox in October. My parents are going but my mom says I can't go because I will cramp her style. I wonder if she thinks that I'm a nerd because I don't go out and party or something. Mff whatever. I'm still trying to find someone who will come with me and sit up in the nosebleeds with binoculars... because I LOVE Annie Lennox and I LOVE Sting. They're both supposedly amazing live as well... it's sort of like a one-of-a-kind lineup. It's bloody expensive though (125 for the really good seats... thus the boonies and binoculars plan). If I can find someone I'll even go down and buy some scalped tickets if I need to. ROOOOOOXANNEEEEE!!!

Aww that makes me miss my dog. I am so pathetic. But not as pathetic as my mom. I think she likes Roxy more than she likes me and Kelly. And probably my dad too (jk... i hope). It's bed time for Sara "the yellow dart" Macdonald.... more later I'm sure.


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