Sara's Ramblings

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I am a foul-mouthed tyrant!

I seem to be having issues with the expletives that have been coming out of my mouth recently and it's getting on my nerves. I am the sort of person who adapts to the local dialect of an area, I guess is how to put it. For example, if someone uses the term "right on" around me, I will start to say it before long. Similarly, if someone is swearing like a truck-driver, then those dirty, dirty words, start to fall out of my mouth as well... not to the same extent because I TRY to stop them... but still. I don't like it. It's not really who I am. But what to do? Cut off my own tongue? That would certainly stop the swearing. I have a feeling *and I think of Tony as I type this*, however, that the problem will somewhat lessen (if not completely disappear) at the end of the summer. We shall see.


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