Stef is leaving us!!!!
Alack, alas, etc. I've just today found out that Stef is being shipped off to work on some farm in Saskatchewan for the summer and from there she will be attending the University of Saskatchewan (or as she calls it, "Sascratchmeone" -- I like it). Here's the killer: she's going to be flying out on Friday. This upsets me greatly. If she is going to Saskatchewan and her parents are moving to Texas for her father's work, then how often is she going to come and visit us? I think that the answer goes without saying. And I'd rather not say it anyway, in order to remain blissfully ignorant to the situation. We're getting together tonight... but how do you say goodbye to the first friend you made in high school? It kind of makes me (and by "kind of" I mean it "really") regret not realizing earlier on, like in grade 10 when we kind of drifted, that we were supposed to stay good friends and play music together and be crazy and whatnot. I guess Saskatchewan isn't that far away. But who wants to go to Saskatchewan? No offense to fans of the province, but I DON'T want to go there unless provoked. I'm NOT a fan. At least not now that it's taking one of my best friends away. I don't like it one bit. I think that her parents are being unreasonable. If she was gung-ho, then maybe, but she seems gung-indifferent. And it's a big move to make if you're not enthusiastic. I just hope that things go well for her over there and that we get to see her as often as life permits. Maybe she can come back to go to med school at UBC. I shall cling to that for the next four or so years hehe.
Word of the day: Ameliorative. It means the opposite of detrimental. Let's try to use it in a sentence: If Stef stays in BC, it will be ameliorative to Sara's happiness.
Word of the day: Ameliorative. It means the opposite of detrimental. Let's try to use it in a sentence: If Stef stays in BC, it will be ameliorative to Sara's happiness.
Yea, sorta sucks eh? I propose this, when all of us have graduated (which will be like in 9 years), we shall all go on a trip somewhere!!! That's as far as I have gotten so far!
Anonymous, at 1:13 p.m.
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