The First Post!
Woo. So I have decided to jump on the bandwagon and get myself one of these blogs. And no, it's not because I'm envious of all my dear friends and acquaintances who needed one because they are *ahem* going to Namibia to work with AIDS orphans... or because my friend Rick is taking off to go on a month-long roadtrip that includes seeing Phish in their last tour ever. No no. It's because I want to keep you, the public, informed with regards to my life. Because it's just soooooooo "interesting." And I am a ball of sarcasm!!! Actually, there are some pretty cool things that are going to be happening that are the result of my cousin Shelice getting married to the love her her life, Mr. Bryan Rodier, in less than two weeks! As a bridesmaid, I've been doing the whole wedding shower thing, so it's been pretty busy. I'm getting excited though, and I hope that everything works out well, especially when I sing during the signing of the wedding stuff. I have quite an opportunity to ruin the atmosphere if I don't start really cracking down on the practicing! If I can be so nept (I have decided that this is the opposite of "inept" for the time being) I'm going to try to upload a picture of what the bridesmaid dresses will look like, except with straps. The website won't let me thieve a photo, but maybe one of my computer-savvy friends can give me a hand. Because when it really comes down to it, I AM inept.
Oooh i'm savvvyyyy! I realized after getting sara to allow anonymous comments, that I have nothing intelligent to say. Sometimes, I just like to steal!
Anonymous, at 1:03 p.m.
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