Sara's Ramblings

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Josh Groban, Guitars, Cameras, Tomko, Whine, Whine, Whine (Wine?)

Oooooh I'm going to see Josh Groban tomorrow. I'm not as excited as I expected I would be, but I'm sure the excitement will come in the form of wetting my pants as soon as he starts to sing. My goodness he has a lovely voice. The ride there should be fun, as Brea and John are fun people, and we're meeting up with Holly's cousin Dane, who is buying Kiri's ticket off us (Kiri is in Edmonton having a well-deserved break from her family :p). We are up in the nosebleed of all nosebleeds, but WHO CARES? It's like in Ella Enchanted when the teenybopper girls are shrieking "WE'RE BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS THE PRINCE!!!" Except I am no teenybopper. There will be shrieking, though. Mwuahahaha. Talent deserves a good shriek. I think I'll use my patented "Stabilo Shriek". Oh dear.

I want a new guitar. Howie (this is my guitar's name) has been faithful, but he just SUCKS when it comes to bar chords. And I know that I am not the best at playing them, but they sound way better on other guitars, so the problem cannot lie entirely with me. Unless it's because I've been mistreating Howie. In which case I deserve no new guitar at all.

I love our digital camera - I've been playing around and poking through the manual and I'm starting to figure out how to use all of its fanciness. I am excited about the prospects. Rafe (this is my camera's name) does a great job for a little automatic, but he can't do what this camera can do. I feel as though this one needs a majestic name, but I can't think of anything. PLUS, I wonder if maybe I'm getting a little too old to be naming things that are special to me. I'll have to think on it for a while.

The most thrilling part of today was when work was over and I realized that there are only three more work days left until I go back to school. I really need a break from Tomko. I understand that eventually I will be working all year round and there will be no school to go back to. I feel, however, that this is not a CAREER, and so it's ok to want to escape from it. I pray that I will love the job that I end up with for an extended period of time so that I won't WANT to escape very often.

I don't really have very much to say, but I wanted to write SOMETHING so that I feel like I've accomplished a great task today. Meh. Who am I kidding?


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