Sara's Ramblings

Friday, August 20, 2004

Livin' it up in Ski Town

I'll admit that title is lame, but DEAL WITH IT. :). I'm just sitting here in the "media room" at my family's new place in Whistler. It's kind of incredible. I am aware that we won this home and that it is ours, but I don't think it has really sunken in. For example... I just got out of the hot tub in our front yard... and I just finished drinking coke from a martini glass (ok that has nothing to do with the house but the glasses were there and I figured I'd take advantage). I'll take you for a quick verbal tour... the media room has a big couch in it that folds out into a queen size hide a bed. There is a computer with a flat screen monitor, surround sound, printer, fax, scanner, photocopier. The flat-screen tv has digital cable of course, as well as a dvd player, vcr, PlayStation 2 and an X Box. This is the room that I "have" to stay in because my parents have the master bedroom, my aunt and uncle have the "guest bedroom" (which, to be honest, is the same size as the master bedroom) and my sister and my cousin have the kid's bedroom... more to come later... the view is incredible. We are on the top of everything. You get onto Nordic Drive and just drive up and up and up and up until you can't get any higher. Kell took me to show me around the owner's lodge last night and the guy working at the pool jumped out and immediately asked if he could get us something. Like he would get fired if he didn't. I'm kind of interested to see what kind of people can afford to buy a place like this. I have a feeling that we are going to be the bumpkins on the street... a little redneck White Rock if you will hehe. Anyway... sleep beckons after a long day at Tomko, but there will be more later.... this place is amazing.

FYI to those who have been following the Namibia team, they are home safe and sound (though probably a little bit tired). Woot.


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