The Z is back in town!
I didn't realise until I saw her how much I missed Zahida. I think that's the best way for it to be though... I'm glad that I wasn't pining for her. That would be sad, both in the boo hoo way and the "wow you have no life" way. It was great to see her even if she was a bit dopey from her voyages ;).
I should be sleeping or reading for my upcoming classes this week, but I made the mistake of getting SNL: The Best of Will Ferrell Volume 2. Uh oh. So needless to say I'm watching that instead. Will Ferrell. Man, he is so funny. Right now he's fighting someone with a trident.
Will Ferrell reminds of Meghan. She is probably at her new place in North Vancouver right now - she moved in this evening. I am really excited for her... she's doing what she wants to do, and it's going to be such an amazing experience for her. I'll miss seeing her all the time though.
Good news! I think I have a handle on the swearing thing! I've been off work for about a week and a half and I've undone most of the damage from 4 months in the warehouse. I know that the end is in sight because I'm not THINKING them. I'm such a weirdo.
I've been thinking about how unfortunate the name "Sara" can be in certain ways. Certain WAY, I guess. It can't really be shortened at all... is that a good thing or a bad thing? Meghan is Megs, Ashlee is Ash, Zahida is Zee, John is John (ok bad example), Breanne is Brea, etc. etc. I've concluded that "Sar" doesn't work. Let's continue though. At Tomko we have Nicki (Nick), Christopher (Chris), Jacob (Jake), Trevor (Trev... or "T-Dawg" as he prefers), and it just goes on. I guess you can't really shorten "Ian" unless you want to call him "Ee". Maybe it's a problem with MY family then. Nah, but Marlene can be Mar, and Kelly can be Kell. To solve the problem, people at work started to call me Sass. They claim that it sounds most like "Sara", but I think it's because of my attitude problem ;). Ah well. Such is life.
I went to Jay Duncan's cd release party last night, and it was spectacular. I keep trying to think of words that will describe the things that I find really really great, but I think I'm too limited. Either that, or I just take pleasure in way too many things. I'm actually quite easily pleased. OK, back to the cd release party. It was cool because it was live music, atmosphere, video, and this fun ambiance at the top of the stage (:D!). Plus there was a push to sponsor children, which is always really cool. Speaking of sponsor children, Edith is going to be five this month!!! I just think it's great that the Lazarus Church cd could be such a real project. People need to be more real in my opinion.
Go here -- it's good, good times.
BC Transit has this program called Poetry in Motion or something like that, and it's pretty stupid for the most part. I found this one poem, however, that I really like. I'm not sure I get it, but it sounds pretty :).
light in june - Patrick Friesen
like light from nowhere we are born and like light
we step toward nowhere and aflame
light bursting from seedlings the field's dark soil
lit one morning in pale green fire who would have thought
where there was nothing there is light and light is nothing
you can hold the flash off a spoon turning in a cup...
we see almost none of the light in our lives
our hands raised before us fingers splayed against the sun
our eyes squint to keep light out or we'd die from fire
we'd perish blind in the blaze of the world
but like magdalen there are moments for each
when we stand astonished and witness to light.
I'm going to have to think on that one.
I should be sleeping or reading for my upcoming classes this week, but I made the mistake of getting SNL: The Best of Will Ferrell Volume 2. Uh oh. So needless to say I'm watching that instead. Will Ferrell. Man, he is so funny. Right now he's fighting someone with a trident.
Will Ferrell reminds of Meghan. She is probably at her new place in North Vancouver right now - she moved in this evening. I am really excited for her... she's doing what she wants to do, and it's going to be such an amazing experience for her. I'll miss seeing her all the time though.
Good news! I think I have a handle on the swearing thing! I've been off work for about a week and a half and I've undone most of the damage from 4 months in the warehouse. I know that the end is in sight because I'm not THINKING them. I'm such a weirdo.
I've been thinking about how unfortunate the name "Sara" can be in certain ways. Certain WAY, I guess. It can't really be shortened at all... is that a good thing or a bad thing? Meghan is Megs, Ashlee is Ash, Zahida is Zee, John is John (ok bad example), Breanne is Brea, etc. etc. I've concluded that "Sar" doesn't work. Let's continue though. At Tomko we have Nicki (Nick), Christopher (Chris), Jacob (Jake), Trevor (Trev... or "T-Dawg" as he prefers), and it just goes on. I guess you can't really shorten "Ian" unless you want to call him "Ee". Maybe it's a problem with MY family then. Nah, but Marlene can be Mar, and Kelly can be Kell. To solve the problem, people at work started to call me Sass. They claim that it sounds most like "Sara", but I think it's because of my attitude problem ;). Ah well. Such is life.
I went to Jay Duncan's cd release party last night, and it was spectacular. I keep trying to think of words that will describe the things that I find really really great, but I think I'm too limited. Either that, or I just take pleasure in way too many things. I'm actually quite easily pleased. OK, back to the cd release party. It was cool because it was live music, atmosphere, video, and this fun ambiance at the top of the stage (:D!). Plus there was a push to sponsor children, which is always really cool. Speaking of sponsor children, Edith is going to be five this month!!! I just think it's great that the Lazarus Church cd could be such a real project. People need to be more real in my opinion.
Go here -- it's good, good times.
BC Transit has this program called Poetry in Motion or something like that, and it's pretty stupid for the most part. I found this one poem, however, that I really like. I'm not sure I get it, but it sounds pretty :).
light in june - Patrick Friesen
like light from nowhere we are born and like light
we step toward nowhere and aflame
light bursting from seedlings the field's dark soil
lit one morning in pale green fire who would have thought
where there was nothing there is light and light is nothing
you can hold the flash off a spoon turning in a cup...
we see almost none of the light in our lives
our hands raised before us fingers splayed against the sun
our eyes squint to keep light out or we'd die from fire
we'd perish blind in the blaze of the world
but like magdalen there are moments for each
when we stand astonished and witness to light.
I'm going to have to think on that one.
New nickname suggestions:
SĂȘ (ask Sefie how to pronounce this as it is an Afrikaans pronunciation).
Also Saz or Sazza would be quite common in north-west Britain.
Mike, at 4:26 p.m.
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