"With Floods and Whirlwinds of tempestous fire..."
Ooooh those be passionate words! I just finished reading the first book of Paradise Lost... outloud. I find that with really.... wordy texts, it's best for me to sit and mutter to myself like a crazyperson so that I will a)pay attention and b)hopefully understand a bit more. Now that I've finished, I feel all excited. Not all excited as in "yay Milton let's read more", but excited as in.... jumpy, I guess. A substitute once read the first book to us while I was in high school, standing the entire time on a desk. I tried to emulate his deep, tempestous voice whilst reading to myself just now... but alas, I am not a man.
This John Milton is an interesting fokel. Lately I've found it more fascinating to learn about the author and the time in which s/he wrote than the work itself.
I may just have to read the rest of Paradise Lost at some point, for I think we're only doing the first book in class. Talk about your "light" reading. I think I have enough of THAT on my plate right now... Last week, the instructor of my sound course chucked like 60 pages of paper at me: he'd printed off the entire manual for the board at church. Umm. Yeah that'll have to wait a while too ;). It was nice of him though. Oooh! Tomorrow's Tuesday! That means I get to go Long & McQuade and destroy stuff I mean experiment. The last class is at the store rather than the classroom. Woot.
Ho hum. I get to learn how to ski over the Christmas break. Yippee! I'm really looking forward to it. I've only been once (gr. 11) and I LOOOOOOOOOOVED ITTTTTTTTTTTT. My dad found some sort of "mega deal" so he was all excited (as in yay, not as in jumpy... though being a tight-fisted Scotsman, he was probably jumpy at the idea of saving money too!!!) this morning and woke me up to see if I was interested. This one time that I went, things were great, and I got to go on one of those green runs (for people who can't ski well, ie me) and I had a little encounter with some snow near the bottom. I still remember the instructor's reaction: "SARA! That is one of the coolest bails I have EVER SEEN. Are you ok?" The best part about falling everywhere in the snow is that, as long as the snow isn't covering jagged rocks, bodies, or trees, it doesn't hurt! And then there's my Uncle Mike, who slammed his pelvis into four separate pieces up at Lake Tahoe.
Now my DAD.... he's going to be skiing as well and it's a bit concerning. I wonder if he remembers the time the ladder fell out while he was on it in the warehouse and his foot literally snapped off (and was hanging on by skin - EWW)? Or when they subsequently had to reattach it using titanium rods? So now he can't really move it very well and I think it's going to be a painful experience for him. And people wonder why I am an advocate of ladder safety. I shouldn't even get started on what Anthony was doing on that bloody ladder on Wednesday.
I'm going to see if Megs wants to go to Cypress or something like that with me beforehand so she can show me a few pointers. She has her certification but hates teaching because she hates people and has no patience. Her words, not mine. But regardless of her hatred / lack of patience, she's said she can put up with it for me. Because I'm "special". Indeed.
Well. Well, well. This post certainly adheres to the premise of my blog as a whole. RAMBLINGS. Nonsensical, sensical, quasi-sensical, made-up-words-ensical. These are is Sara's ramblings, in their crudest, fall-out-of-my-brain, form. Should there be a comma there? Hmm.
On that note, back to the good old Epic of Gilgamesh. I love Gilgamesh! He's such an idiot.
- Sara
This John Milton is an interesting fokel. Lately I've found it more fascinating to learn about the author and the time in which s/he wrote than the work itself.
I may just have to read the rest of Paradise Lost at some point, for I think we're only doing the first book in class. Talk about your "light" reading. I think I have enough of THAT on my plate right now... Last week, the instructor of my sound course chucked like 60 pages of paper at me: he'd printed off the entire manual for the board at church. Umm. Yeah that'll have to wait a while too ;). It was nice of him though. Oooh! Tomorrow's Tuesday! That means I get to go Long & McQuade and destroy stuff I mean experiment. The last class is at the store rather than the classroom. Woot.
Ho hum. I get to learn how to ski over the Christmas break. Yippee! I'm really looking forward to it. I've only been once (gr. 11) and I LOOOOOOOOOOVED ITTTTTTTTTTTT. My dad found some sort of "mega deal" so he was all excited (as in yay, not as in jumpy... though being a tight-fisted Scotsman, he was probably jumpy at the idea of saving money too!!!) this morning and woke me up to see if I was interested. This one time that I went, things were great, and I got to go on one of those green runs (for people who can't ski well, ie me) and I had a little encounter with some snow near the bottom. I still remember the instructor's reaction: "SARA! That is one of the coolest bails I have EVER SEEN. Are you ok?" The best part about falling everywhere in the snow is that, as long as the snow isn't covering jagged rocks, bodies, or trees, it doesn't hurt! And then there's my Uncle Mike, who slammed his pelvis into four separate pieces up at Lake Tahoe.
Now my DAD.... he's going to be skiing as well and it's a bit concerning. I wonder if he remembers the time the ladder fell out while he was on it in the warehouse and his foot literally snapped off (and was hanging on by skin - EWW)? Or when they subsequently had to reattach it using titanium rods? So now he can't really move it very well and I think it's going to be a painful experience for him. And people wonder why I am an advocate of ladder safety. I shouldn't even get started on what Anthony was doing on that bloody ladder on Wednesday.
I'm going to see if Megs wants to go to Cypress or something like that with me beforehand so she can show me a few pointers. She has her certification but hates teaching because she hates people and has no patience. Her words, not mine. But regardless of her hatred / lack of patience, she's said she can put up with it for me. Because I'm "special". Indeed.
Well. Well, well. This post certainly adheres to the premise of my blog as a whole. RAMBLINGS. Nonsensical, sensical, quasi-sensical, made-up-words-ensical. These are is Sara's ramblings, in their crudest, fall-out-of-my-brain, form. Should there be a comma there? Hmm.
On that note, back to the good old Epic of Gilgamesh. I love Gilgamesh! He's such an idiot.
- Sara
Sara, you delight me!!!!!! Can't wait to see you as well as the other children at Christmas!!!
Anonymous, at 8:41 a.m.
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