Sara's Ramblings

Monday, November 08, 2004


It's been two years since Oma passed away, but that's not why I'm writing. Despite missing her tonnes and TONNES, I am absolutely at peace with God bringing her back home. What I wanted to share was something that I find so inspiring.

At Tante Meta's funeral, my mom heard something that we hadn't known before. Almost 35 years ago, Meta, Oma, and two other close friends made a pact with each other that they weren't going to talk bad about other people. And they did it. They really did. Because one thing I notice about both my Oma and her best friend is that they didn't have anything bad to say about anyone. Not to say that people didn't annoy them, but they were never ones to talk down about a person. Ever. I bet that it had an effect on their thought process too... after a while they probably stopped thinking as many bad thoughts about people.

I just think that's really cool. What a way to die to the world of backstabbing and gossip and slander. I don't know that I could do it.... I like to say and think that I could, but then again, I'm not prepared to make that pact with myself, so I guess that suggests that I probably couldn't do it right now.

Anyway this isn't about MEEEEEE, it's about the neat things you learn about people, even after they're gone. :). A blessing.

I have so much that I want to say as per usual, but sleep beckons. Icky early morning classes so I'd best save it for later.

Song in my head:
Closure - Look Out Below


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