Sara's Ramblings

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Out of the Zone

Brea can't go on living without my blog, so I'm updating it JUST FOR HER. D'ya hear me Breanne Elizabeth Reed Mackay????????!!!! Ha.

Uhhmm.... My dad got me some new tires for the car. Yay!

*Scratches beard* what else do I have to say? I'm almost tempted to NOT say anything about the last few days (Friday - Tuesday) because there is SO MUCH to say and I'm not sure if I want to invest that much time into writing it all out. At the same time, if I pick and choose, I'm leaving out stuff that I think is equally important. It's a toughie!

Sometimes I feel like I learn my lessons in themes. Lately it has had a lot to do with my comfort zone, and stepping out of it in order to enjoy a fullness that I wouldn't have experienced remaining in the Sara Bubble (Fizz Bubble???? *slaps knee* There aren't actually that many people who call me Fizz anymore). Some examples of late:

1) Going on the YA Retreat without a really close friend, which is something I wouldn't have done half a year ago. Result: I had an AMAZING time (including a laugh attack that lasted a good 15 minutes, I went on a HIKE [I realized this weekend how much I ADORE being better watch out!], got to meet some people I probably wouldn't have met otherwise, several of my preconceptions of people were SHATTERED (which is always good), and God revealed a couple of really cool things to me.

2) Joining a new care group. Result: Let me just say that I feel really blessed and I'm so glad that I decided to listen to what God was telling me, and that I went in the direction that He was poking me in. I'm really excited about what's going to happen. We seem to all be somewhat on the same page which is SO important in my opinion.

There's a lot invested in this short comment that I just made... it's hyperbolic and doesn't do justice at all to what I'm really feeling about the group. But how do I communicate it? [side tangent: the more I study language the more inept I become and the more I wonder if I should just give up linguistic communication all together!!!!!!]

3) Daring to dream bigger, and putting my dreams into action. Result: Yesterday I had a meeting with a Red Cross rep, the Africa Network rep, and a native of Sudan. We all sat on the floor of this office in the SUB and it was so neat to see that as I shared my vision, they were willing to support me and offer advice. I don't feel like I'm doing this alone anymore. Plus... big name clubs = contacts and $. Do I have the guts to see it through?

All of that could be expanded, but it's a cute little overview for those who need to be kept up to date. Like Brea, who is precious and deserves such updates.

I see that when I take the risk and go where I feel I'm being led, the results are often so positive. That's not to say that everything in my life will be peachy because I'm following God, and I can think of many examples in mine and everyone's lives where bad stuff just happens. But I wonder if I will come to fully realize that it's worth the risk. What is the worst that can happen? I plan not to extend my risk-taking to walking in front of traffic (and I hope I never feel led by God to do that!), but seeing the result when people give up control definitely says something.

Rant rant rant rant rant!

Tonight I went to a sound course at Clayton Heights. It was cool! There are five of us including the instructor, and of course I'm the only female. Even though it's a beginner course, I learned quite a bit, which was absolutely expected. It was dirt cheap but the quality seems to be up there, and I like to get a bang for my buck. He's bringing in a board and some equiptment that we get to open up and take apart next week, so I'm really looking forward to that!

Song in my head (thanks to Dean, who deserves a good fist-shaking): Corey Hart - Sunglasses at Night


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