Simply Luxurious...
Mmmmm.... did I ever luck out! Yesterday was the Ashlee's birthday, and one of her gifts was a trip to the spa this afternoon.... for both of us. Yep! We got manicures and pedicures and it was purely delightful. Certainly not something I can afford, but yay for moms who like to treat the friend as well!!!!! My hands feel so nice right now - I don't think that I will be able to write for the next few days. I guess that means I shouldn't go to school tomorrow. Yes. That's exactly what it means. Ashlee got hers painted electric, acid-tripping blue, and insisted that I be wild and crazy as well. Since I never paint them anyway, I figured why not! Soooooo they're a lovely, scandalous red. As I'm typing, I keep catching them out of the corner of my eye and it makes me go WHOA. Of course they aren't going to match anything, so I'll have to go for the black attire (Queen of Death!!!!), but that's ok! It's frivolous and novel and I hope it doesn't chip!
The missions banquet is tomorrow night (very much looking forward to that), and the Zahida is going to be accompanying me. I feel like I'm her babysitter or something (since her concussion she's been a bit... loopy). It's kind of cute. So I went to pick up her ticket today at the church (saw the Scott, the Trevor and the Sheila... wanted to chat, didn't have time because of mine and Ashlee's excursion... WHOA THOSE ARE RED!!!), and I'm going to give her a ride home afterwards tomorrow evening. That means, of course, that she must endure the bus ride to White Rock from UBC *I'm shrieking with malicious laughter right about now*. Ahh good times. Good times.
Sniff. Kell is getting ready for her first high school dance as I type (whoa! would you look at those nails?!!!!!). It's so cute. I think she's putting on fake eyelashes.... I guess that's ok since it's a dress-up Halloween type thing... I still find it funny. I recall a Halloween dance or two at Semi. Of course my memory is hazy because of all the drugs and alcohol, but I think they were pretty fun (actually not so much with the drugs and alcohol, but no one believed me anyway). I wonder if I should ... give her a pep talk or something?
- No dancing with boys
- No talking to boys
- No looking at boys
- etc.
My quiz that was supposed to be today was cancelled. Isn't that fun? My profs are all such quirky weirdos. Sometimes it can be pretty cool.
OH! Jacques Derrida died! As Bridget says, it's "Derrida ultimately deconstructed". I hate him for confusing me, but I love him for pushing me to think beyond the box.
I've never really been a fan of Shakespeare, but in the last few days I think I might be coming close to changing my mind... I read the Tempest last year and it wasn't nearly as riveting as re-reading it this year. My prof is finally getting into the historical side and I always find that to be so helpful in putting things together... the idea of culture being wrapped up in a work ("New Historicism" is apparently what it's called)... oh I miss history. Another thing I didn't think that I was that passionate about. I guess I kind of was though... does willingly taking higher level IB courses mean that I'm passionate about a subject? Or does that just make me crazy? Given that B is already true..... well I don't know what that has to do with anything, or what A equals, because I know I'm not passionate about math (actually that's kind of a lie.... I'm just really, really bad at it). Kiri? Bridget? Any thoughts, you crazy Dips? Anyway, Shakespeare is loaded and sneaky and has many things to say about many things.
Homework time! CSI is on tonight (YAAAAAAY) and then I think I'm going to go to Starbucks, so I'd best do some reading now.
I shall leave you with this:
"'Whos' in noun phrases are like little pockets... you can put all sorts of things into them, like a weapon, your lunch, your passport." (random thought from one of my English profs)
And now I'm actually laughing out loud.
The missions banquet is tomorrow night (very much looking forward to that), and the Zahida is going to be accompanying me. I feel like I'm her babysitter or something (since her concussion she's been a bit... loopy). It's kind of cute. So I went to pick up her ticket today at the church (saw the Scott, the Trevor and the Sheila... wanted to chat, didn't have time because of mine and Ashlee's excursion... WHOA THOSE ARE RED!!!), and I'm going to give her a ride home afterwards tomorrow evening. That means, of course, that she must endure the bus ride to White Rock from UBC *I'm shrieking with malicious laughter right about now*. Ahh good times. Good times.
Sniff. Kell is getting ready for her first high school dance as I type (whoa! would you look at those nails?!!!!!). It's so cute. I think she's putting on fake eyelashes.... I guess that's ok since it's a dress-up Halloween type thing... I still find it funny. I recall a Halloween dance or two at Semi. Of course my memory is hazy because of all the drugs and alcohol, but I think they were pretty fun (actually not so much with the drugs and alcohol, but no one believed me anyway). I wonder if I should ... give her a pep talk or something?
- No dancing with boys
- No talking to boys
- No looking at boys
- etc.
My quiz that was supposed to be today was cancelled. Isn't that fun? My profs are all such quirky weirdos. Sometimes it can be pretty cool.
OH! Jacques Derrida died! As Bridget says, it's "Derrida ultimately deconstructed". I hate him for confusing me, but I love him for pushing me to think beyond the box.
I've never really been a fan of Shakespeare, but in the last few days I think I might be coming close to changing my mind... I read the Tempest last year and it wasn't nearly as riveting as re-reading it this year. My prof is finally getting into the historical side and I always find that to be so helpful in putting things together... the idea of culture being wrapped up in a work ("New Historicism" is apparently what it's called)... oh I miss history. Another thing I didn't think that I was that passionate about. I guess I kind of was though... does willingly taking higher level IB courses mean that I'm passionate about a subject? Or does that just make me crazy? Given that B is already true..... well I don't know what that has to do with anything, or what A equals, because I know I'm not passionate about math (actually that's kind of a lie.... I'm just really, really bad at it). Kiri? Bridget? Any thoughts, you crazy Dips? Anyway, Shakespeare is loaded and sneaky and has many things to say about many things.
Homework time! CSI is on tonight (YAAAAAAY) and then I think I'm going to go to Starbucks, so I'd best do some reading now.
I shall leave you with this:
"'Whos' in noun phrases are like little pockets... you can put all sorts of things into them, like a weapon, your lunch, your passport." (random thought from one of my English profs)
And now I'm actually laughing out loud.
RED NAILS GO WITH EVERYTHING! (I say so therefore it must be true) I want to see you with your nails painted! Lol, I'm a sad story.
I love CSI but WHY do they put the good shows on all the same times! I love THe Apprentice so I have to flip between those, and then ER and Without A Trace. Stupid TV programmers.
I heart Shakespeare. If he was alive I would tell him he's crazy genius. Or something. Though I do have some pretty weird Shakespeare theories I can enlighten you with some time. Or one, but hey I hate math too!
You should look at my journal I post a Shakespeare quote of the day EVERY day (imagine that). If you look at the "Memories" link there are all the past one's listed.
- Kiri
PS Christopher Reeves died, too. Though that has nothing to do with Derrida. Except they're both dead. Shutting up now ;)
Anonymous, at 4:51 a.m.
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