"And if I am a Sailor... You are the Warm North Wind... and You've Blown into this Little Town and Rouse My Dreams Again"
Line from a Sarah Harmer song that's been in my head for a while now I guess. I must say, I'm a fan of the Sarahs.... Sarah Harmer, Sarah Latheron, Sarah McLachlan. Maybe it's that h that gives a little bit more zazz ;).
Went to a place called "Also" in Richmond this evening for Zahida's birthday dinner. Kiri and I picked her up because I didn't think that she should be driving with her concussion (long story short, she fainted and hit her head while at the hospital waiting to hear the news about her sister's brother's sister's liver transplant). The restaurant... hmm.... Lousy service, lousy prices, lousy food, GREAT company. There were about 15 of us I figure, and it was good times. I was surprised at how many people I knew at the table. It's hard to believe that Zahida and I met in such an interesting way and now we're so close. Funny how things just "work out" that way.
So it turns out that I might not have a care group after all... we'll see... but I absolutely trust that I will end up where I'm supposed to be. I want to be in a group where we can grow together and support and hold each other accountable... and also wrestle with the questions of Christian living.
I don't want to work tomorrow. But what can you do?
Apparently Kelly has erased all the pictures on our digital camera, so everyone is in a big hoopla or something. I have a feeling that I'm going to be getting some heat for not putting them on my computer.... but really that makes no sense. They aren't my pictures. One should not leave important pictures on a digital camera for months, if you ask me. My family should actually learn how to use the thing and then they can do it themselves. So I'm going to see if there's some sort of magical "undo stupidity" feature. I'm sure glad that it wasn't me doing the deleting. Weddings don't tend to repeat themselves.
Wow... pretty boring stuff going on here today. Yesterday wasn't much better. It's probably my backpack. I have been aching from my neck to my tailbone for the last week and a half and I'm certain that it's because of the backpack. My silly laptop is the culprit I believe, but it's a catch 22 because the little bugger is so very useful to have on campus when secluding myself in the dank dingy pits of Koerner. Too bad people suck and I can't just leave it in my locker between classes. So yeah. I'll blame the boring on the backpack.
Went to a place called "Also" in Richmond this evening for Zahida's birthday dinner. Kiri and I picked her up because I didn't think that she should be driving with her concussion (long story short, she fainted and hit her head while at the hospital waiting to hear the news about her sister's brother's sister's liver transplant). The restaurant... hmm.... Lousy service, lousy prices, lousy food, GREAT company. There were about 15 of us I figure, and it was good times. I was surprised at how many people I knew at the table. It's hard to believe that Zahida and I met in such an interesting way and now we're so close. Funny how things just "work out" that way.
So it turns out that I might not have a care group after all... we'll see... but I absolutely trust that I will end up where I'm supposed to be. I want to be in a group where we can grow together and support and hold each other accountable... and also wrestle with the questions of Christian living.
I don't want to work tomorrow. But what can you do?
Apparently Kelly has erased all the pictures on our digital camera, so everyone is in a big hoopla or something. I have a feeling that I'm going to be getting some heat for not putting them on my computer.... but really that makes no sense. They aren't my pictures. One should not leave important pictures on a digital camera for months, if you ask me. My family should actually learn how to use the thing and then they can do it themselves. So I'm going to see if there's some sort of magical "undo stupidity" feature. I'm sure glad that it wasn't me doing the deleting. Weddings don't tend to repeat themselves.
Wow... pretty boring stuff going on here today. Yesterday wasn't much better. It's probably my backpack. I have been aching from my neck to my tailbone for the last week and a half and I'm certain that it's because of the backpack. My silly laptop is the culprit I believe, but it's a catch 22 because the little bugger is so very useful to have on campus when secluding myself in the dank dingy pits of Koerner. Too bad people suck and I can't just leave it in my locker between classes. So yeah. I'll blame the boring on the backpack.
"sister's brother's sister's" hehehe.
Yes, good times, good people, Z get better!
Ohh I hope the pics aren't completely gone...::crosses fingers:: My dad did that once, but they weren't important photos. He was still pissed though. Anyway, I'm bored. Thus, the commenting. Do be do be do...
Anonymous, at 4:35 a.m.
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