Sara's Ramblings

Sunday, September 26, 2004

"If I Had A Dollar For Every Brain You Don't Have, I Would Have One Dollar."

The above is a quote from a Spongebob episode that I watched with Brea last night. After a day of studying, an hour of Spongebob was our reward. I love being out here alone at my aunt and uncle's place. I was a bit wary about house-sitting for them, simply because it's out in the boonies (well, as boony-ish as 20th and 180th is) and it's a HUGE house and I'm by myself and stuff, but I've had someone spend the night every night since I've been here, so it's not bad at all. The solitude during the day (when I'm not in class) is actually a really nice change of pace, and it allows me to get things done that I can't get done with my noisy family around. Plus, it takes way more time to go into White Rock, so I am less tempted to go out and do stuff. Long-term that's not a great thing, but with the amount of reading that I have to do, it's good for now...

The sky out here is incredible. There aren't nearly as many lights, and with the moon as full as it is right now, it's a sight to behold. I swiped the digital camera, and I'm going to play around with that a bit at my next break. My uncle is a photographer, so hopefully he has a decent tripod. Though the shakiness might make for some interesting results. Ah experimentation... mwuahahaha.

I did the AIDS walk today, along with three of my girlfriends. There were quite a few people, but the turnout was a bit less than what I'd hoped, to be honest. I guess everyone has their "thing" or things that they like to support. You can't do everything, and I realise this. Anyway, the walk was nice, as well as the ride there and back. I love those girlies.

I went to visit my family for a few minutes this afternoon and my mom was acting as though I'd moved out or something. It was funny but I'm a bit worried as to what she will do when I actually move out. Bring on the separation anxiety!!

I've been thinking a lot more about this Sudan thing... I just want to know if I'm wanting to do it for the right reasons. It seems like my prayers have been answered in this idea, but the thing is... I LOVE doing stuff like this. Am I doing it for the thrill and the excitement, or am I doing it because I really feel like this is a tangible way to help out? I don't mean to say that it has to be exclusively one or the other, but I need to make sure that my intentions are in the right place before I push to make things happen. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to settle for half-hearted results. If I do this, I will invest my heart and all my energy into seeing that it is as successful as it can possibly be. And that takes a lot out of a person. If I'm doing God's work, that's fine. If I'm not... then I don't want to do it. At least not now. I'm praying for some clarity... I think I know my answer... but I'm going to pray on it for a few more days before I spring into action.

I saw Meghan tonight and we got to talk for the first time since she moved out to North Van. I miss her tonnes. Going from seeing her all day every day at work to not really at all sucks. She's such an amazing girl. Things are going really well for her out at Cap, and I'm so happy for her. She is doing what she loves and I say good on her.

Alright... the cat is done eating which means the dog can come back in which means my break is over. I'll leave you with this: Today at the Walk I saw so many expressions of love, it was so beautiful. It's refreshing to see different (and I mean DIFFERENT) types of people joining together to walk in union for a cause. I was touched.

Hmm... maybe I'll leave you with this as well:

Later Kiddies.


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