Sara's Ramblings

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

In the Lord's Arms...

We just got that call... Tante Meta passed away. I'm so thankful that I saw her on Sunday... somehow I knew that it would be the last time.

Meta has been one of the most loving people I've ever met... she was, in fact, my Oma's best friend, so not really my tante (aunt), and between the two of them... incredible love. In hindsight, I would say that she and my Oma are examples of the kind of love that Scott has been talking about. The kind that most of us can't give yet - sacrificial, deep, unbelieveable love that comes straight from above, from following Jesus for most of her 84 years. Her faithfulness and her love of Christ was inspirational. He was the centre of her life. The world surely will miss her - we need more people like her.

Despite not spending much time with her these last few years, we've always seemd to have a connection that surpassed physical closeness. I can't believe it but she recognized me when we were there on Sunday. Everyone was shocked. She held my face like she always did. The last thing she said to me when we were leaving, while I gave her a hug, was to the effect of "I'm going to be with your Oma soon." Of course it made my eyes cloud, but at the same time, she had just been telling everyone how excited she was about going to Heaven. I bet she and Oma are causing a ruckus (they were such fiesty little women).

Sunday night, God offered me some clarity, which I needed after an afternoon of brooding... I went into Monday with joy, knowing that her journey would not be ending here. It's ok for me to be sad, but wow... she is exactly where she always wanted to be. How could I ever want her to come back to this fallen world? When you think about it that way, I've got nothing to offer as an argument. I'm so happy for her. Sad for myself. Happy. Sad. Happy and sad.

Those of you who are so inclined... I would truly appreciate prayer for my family... My mom especially is taking this very hard, and I hope that amidst the sorrow she might seek comfort in knowing that her precious auntie is in the Lord's arms now.


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