Sara's Ramblings

Saturday, October 09, 2004

What a Day What a Day

Hello, hello won't you come right in? I'd give anything just to see you again.

Ha. I was typing "hello hello" and I have a song on called "Hello" so .... well one thing led to another (and I'm sure nobody cares).

First of all. Those of you going to Annie Lennox and Sting are horrid. And I mean that in the sweetest, most precious way possible. Clearly.

Mom: "Do you want me to bring you a program or something, you big baby?" Haha! Nah, I think I'm fine.

So... today. Many things going on today to think about and to savour and to feel nostalgic about.

You.... I am SO proud of you. I look over this last year and I see that you're a surivor. I hope you see that as well, amidst the conflicting emotions. Seems like the day for this: Yeah.

I did sound for a wedding today. Weddings = yay (and who says I'm not a mathematician!!!??). It was so beautiful. Of course I started tearing up while Phil and Trev were practicing. The actual wedding went really well (no one tripped, there was laughter and tears and everyone looked BEAUTIFUL... and from a sound perspective, I didn't ruin anything!!! I'd had this dream that someone had stolen all the DI boxes from the church... what does that tell you about the kind of life I'm living these days?).

They did Shine On Us for the procession. As soon as I heard the piano at the rehearsal last night... misty went the eyes. Soooo many memories attached to that song. Practicing with Daisy in the band room at school. Performing it with Megs at the barbeque... the hours we spent recording at the end of that year... Daisy sitting behind the piano laughing at us.... Proz's church.... and then finally when we sang it at her memorial after Daisy was murdered. I haven't listened to it since then. It was really... it was nice to hear it again, especially in that happy context once more. To hear it at a joyous occasion, watching Rebecca walk down the aisle towards the man with whom she will spend the rest of her life, and to see them go hand and hand up the stairs to start their life together (it's cool to watch two people looking at each other and see the intensity of the love they have for one another). It's taken a painful memory and helped to turn it into something not so painful.

I think I have found a caregroup v. 2.0 or whatever computer techie speak would call it. It's odd... I feel like I'm being led to join this group, and to be honest, it surprises me. It's become clear, however, that I am not being led to the one I originally intended to be part of. Too many doors have been shut. I must admit I'm a bit nervous and I'm just praying that I will know a few people in this new group and that it's the right decision.

Hmm... time to do some studying. Did some bio this morning.... must do more.


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