Sara's Ramblings

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I've gone funny

We interrupt to bring you this bulletin: For some reason Blogger says that I haven't updated my blog since this post, but it is a LIE. They're feeding you LIES, people. So if you've linked from my profile, go HERE. I update this little bugger like, daily... if not more.

You know when you're overtired and you pass the zombie state and you go all weird and everything is hilarious? Yeah.... it's kinda fun but I'm so tired... just thinking about all the crap that I have to do makes me want to hide somewhere safe and warm (preferable somewhere where there's a bed). Anyway yeah I'm in a bit of a fun mood and it's not so bad, except that I have a feeling I'm going to be saying some pretty interesting stuff in my English presentation today. Sometimes that goes over well.

I'm thankful to God this morning for Charlie Horses (or as we "biologists" say [ha ha] a tetanic contraction) because it woke me up when I had convinced myself in my head that it was ok to not go to school this morning. I love trying to justify things while half asleep, because I always win. Then reality sets in and things go horribly wrong.

I think Tim Hortons will be my home this evening... after CSI of course. Must get away from noisy family. Bless their precious little hearts they just watch soooo much tv at such loud volumes and it makes me want to gnaw my own arm off. Not sure how that would help any, but it fits somehow. Tim's is white noise and white light. Good times. Plus, you're always sure to see someone that you know, which is nice as a break once in a while.

"I got out walking after midnight" <-- I have Patsy Cline in my head. I was singing "Roxanne" to Smeagol this morning as she was sneaking (though she insists she doesn't sneak) but now Patsy is back in the noggin'.

Something interesting that Brea said last night - "It's a big sick freakin' chicken" (somehow it isn't as funny written down... awww)

I think I'd prefer to leave that out of context for now, along with this one:

"How are we supposed to land chicks with these haircuts?" - Janet Giltrow (she's awesome)

Wish me luck... I'm about to enter the real world in my weakened but hilarious state.


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