World's best (s)assistant
Totally beating a dead horse with the "s" prefix. But it's my blog and I still think it's funny so NYAH NYAH NYAH. "You vill dance und you vill look like you are enjoyingk it!"
Aaaaaaaanyway. I think it's time we do a little feature on the best little assistant in the world. Possibly in the universe. Ever. And no, it's not Tenaya, even though she's clearly awesome. It's Miss Roxy. This dog has spent every single all-nighter and late-night study session with me, refusing to leave until I'm done for the night (or morning, depending on the actual quitting time). I can try to carry her up and stick her in her bed, but she just stumbles back down the stairs and flops onto the couch.
That's not to say, however, that she stays awake. Are assistances supposed to stay awake? Meh. I takes what I can gets. And I've enjoyed documenting her "assistance" over the last few days...
Friday Night....
Sunday Night...
Later on Sunday Night...
Monday, mid-DAY...
20 minutes ago...
18 minutes ago...
Such the cuteness.
When is Roxy going to make you lay down and tickel YOUR tummy, or offer to fetch you a cup of coffee?
Who has the better deal here? ;)
Mike, at 4:52 p.m.
Awww, she's still as cute as ever :)
Anonymous, at 6:58 p.m.
But just think, Tenaya, if you were to fall asleep constantly and at every opportunity, you too could be the best assistant in the universe!
Sara, at 11:22 p.m.
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