Thursday Mmmmmoooorrrrnnniiiinnnnggggg
Actually the song is called TUESDAY Morning...
Word of the day: Whipsass.
I have one more day left of class. It's a good thing, a very good thing. Stabilo is playing at Arts County Fair with Matt Good and k-os, but I won't be there, because a) Stabilo will be playing while I'm in class, b) tickets are 20 bucks and I'm not going to pay that if I can't see Stabilo AND k-os AND Matt Good (even though I hear he's really great live) and c) I'm going to Jenny Kliem's bridal shower. The invite is somewhere in my room, I just KNOW it. Gah. GAH! Egads!
Trevor and Chris are leaving in just over a day, for Rwanda. It's utter insanity. Things tend to spring up so quickly; I can't imagine how they must be feeling. Actually, I imagine that Trevor is probably sporting bloodshot eyes and hasn't slept at all.... and Chris is eating pickles and brownies.
I got together with the kids last night, minus Ed who had class and was coming later, and minus Joe who is in DUBAI... or maybe London. I don't quite know. They're great. I know I rave about them often, but it's just true. Anyway, we prayed the two of them off and then I had to leave. I didn't get to the bio like I had hoped but I went to sleep at a reasonable hour for a change. And now I'm awake (huzzah).
Ooooh frustration! I went to the clinic yesterday and FINALLY saw Verbonac (aka one of the two competent GPs there) and he looked a bit exasperated when I told him what I had been doing to try to fix the knee problem. Apparently I've just made things way worse. Frickin' doctors. Why, if they didn't know, would they not send me to a specialist? Grr. So now I have to go out to Cloverhole and see some people. Egads.
The GOOD thing that happened yesterday is that my dad thinks he has enough points to send me to Australia (return) for free... and the best part is that we're pretty sure I can go EXECUTIVE CLASS (cue Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's The Messiah). Heck if it's only a couple hundred bucks extra, I'LL pay it. Huzzah LEG ROOM.
Stupid free picture-hosting sites are so lame. How DARE they run out. I think it's time I bite the bullet and pay for a picture thinger. Because I'll be going to Oz (hopefully), and will have lots of stuff to share with the folks back home. Yeah... I think I'll do that today.
Well... the time has come to pull my laundry out of the dryer and get to the business of the day ie COLOURING. I got up early for a reason (YEAH I'M MEETING BREA FOR BRUNCH) I mean I'm doing homework alllll day. Meh. A girl's gotta have some fun.
Later kids.
Word of the day: Whipsass.
I have one more day left of class. It's a good thing, a very good thing. Stabilo is playing at Arts County Fair with Matt Good and k-os, but I won't be there, because a) Stabilo will be playing while I'm in class, b) tickets are 20 bucks and I'm not going to pay that if I can't see Stabilo AND k-os AND Matt Good (even though I hear he's really great live) and c) I'm going to Jenny Kliem's bridal shower. The invite is somewhere in my room, I just KNOW it. Gah. GAH! Egads!
Trevor and Chris are leaving in just over a day, for Rwanda. It's utter insanity. Things tend to spring up so quickly; I can't imagine how they must be feeling. Actually, I imagine that Trevor is probably sporting bloodshot eyes and hasn't slept at all.... and Chris is eating pickles and brownies.
I got together with the kids last night, minus Ed who had class and was coming later, and minus Joe who is in DUBAI... or maybe London. I don't quite know. They're great. I know I rave about them often, but it's just true. Anyway, we prayed the two of them off and then I had to leave. I didn't get to the bio like I had hoped but I went to sleep at a reasonable hour for a change. And now I'm awake (huzzah).
Ooooh frustration! I went to the clinic yesterday and FINALLY saw Verbonac (aka one of the two competent GPs there) and he looked a bit exasperated when I told him what I had been doing to try to fix the knee problem. Apparently I've just made things way worse. Frickin' doctors. Why, if they didn't know, would they not send me to a specialist? Grr. So now I have to go out to Cloverhole and see some people. Egads.
The GOOD thing that happened yesterday is that my dad thinks he has enough points to send me to Australia (return) for free... and the best part is that we're pretty sure I can go EXECUTIVE CLASS (cue Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's The Messiah). Heck if it's only a couple hundred bucks extra, I'LL pay it. Huzzah LEG ROOM.
Stupid free picture-hosting sites are so lame. How DARE they run out. I think it's time I bite the bullet and pay for a picture thinger. Because I'll be going to Oz (hopefully), and will have lots of stuff to share with the folks back home. Yeah... I think I'll do that today.
Well... the time has come to pull my laundry out of the dryer and get to the business of the day ie COLOURING. I got up early for a reason (YEAH I'M MEETING BREA FOR BRUNCH) I mean I'm doing homework alllll day. Meh. A girl's gotta have some fun.
Later kids.
you know, it didn't even register that it is thursday until i saw your Thursday Mmmoorrrnnniinnggg.
i am glad you went to sleep last night instead of studying. i actually have a rule: no studying after 10pm. and it worked [i think].
neway babe, i appreciated you coming last night, especially since you are at the end of school.
many blessings and a big kiss,
Anonymous, at 10:00 a.m.
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