Sara's Ramblings

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Word of the day: Egad! Apparently, according to, it's a spin on "Oh gosh". I did not know that.

One of my Sarahs made me a cd for my birthday. I popped it into iTunes today and let me say, it's total quality. Top recommended tracks:

Athlete - Tourist
Limblifter - Jumbo Jet Headache
Natasha Bedingfield - I Bruise Easily
The Postal Service - District Sleeps Alone Tonight
The Shins - Kissing the Lipless
Keane - Bedshaped
Matt Mays - City of Lakes

I tell ya that girl's got taste, AND a great name!

I went to YA for the first time in months last night. I went to Dean's place to hitch a ride. Much better than the bus. We went through the carwash and EVERYTHING. When I was little and impressed by everything, I used to LOVE the carwash.

The bulletin said we were going to talk about new community but we really didn't. The GOOD news, however, is that CHRIS and TENAYA came because they thought that the discussion would pertain to the new church. Mwuahaha. So I got to see them, as well as the rest of the groupies minus Trevor. Which was good. The seeing them part, not the Trevor missing part.

I spent about 7 hours colouring today. You know, practicing to stay in the lines and not scribble. I've got skills, and you know what they say about chicks digging guys with skills. Wait a second! It should be the other way around. NEVERMIND. Actually, it's my Anatomy and Physiology Workbook aka the most expensive colouring book I've ever had. I'm almost done thank goodness.

Reegie and I went to the Emmerton's this evening to drop off some flowers and a gift for John's mom. She's so cute. Plus I got to see Reegie, which is always a bonus. Gotta love the Reegie. And huzzah for bladder control, hmm?

On Friday, Chris and Trevor are going to Rwanda. I know I've mentioned it before, but only in passing. I've got good feelings about this, overall. And my mom thinks I'm psychic, so there ya go ;). Speaking of my mom and Rwanda, she came into my room last week, looking upset and shocked. She asked me if I knew that over 800,000 people had been killed in the genocide. I replied that I did know that, and a day later, she came back wanting to contribute to the Rwanda project. Cool huh?

It made me stop and think. Why is it so important that these guys go over there and make a documentary? Well, you can read all about it in the blog, but one thing that definitely stands out for me is this: my mom had no idea until seeing that piece on TV about just how terrible the killing was, just how dire the situation became. All it took was that and she was informed and disgusted and wanted to give. I think that we're generally decent people, just uninformed. What better way to inform than to raise interest through an artistic medium? It's good times all around I say. Good times indeed.

On the topic of Rwanda, I think I'm getting a couple of term papers back tomorrow. I hope all goes well. I find that it's generally better for me to write about things that stir up a passion in me for whatever reason, but the risk is that I can get carried away. We shall see.

Currently listening to: Doves - There Goes the Fear
Up next: Alkaline Trio (yUh!!!)

Oooooh 11 pm means time for bed.

My Opa's hip replacement was postponed... which kind of sucks because if he has it in the next few weeks I won't be able to visit him quite as much cuz I'll be in the middle of exams. Hmmm....


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