Sara's Ramblings

Saturday, April 09, 2005

UBC Representin' Once Again


From the Matthew Good Blog:

It sure wasn't Colonel Mustard in the reading room with the candle stick - but close.

Wondering what was thrown at various members of the band during this evening’s performance at the University Of British Columbia’s Arts County Drunk-a-thon? Well, Ryan was almost hit with a good old-fashioned wrench. That’s right – an actual wrench. There were other interesting items as well, such as broken umbrella handles, twenty or thirty shoes, a cell phone, a watch, little ball bearings, you name it.

My favorite part of the evening was when something would land on my pedal board and switch something on, such as a delay. That's always fun.

What happened to live music kids?

You did.

And then from today:

Hooray For Spoiled Brat Thinking!

Imagine sitting at a desk, doing a job. You’re on the phone, you’re on the computer. Now, imagine doing that same job but having to dodge various items being thrown at you, some of them very dangerous.

If someone in an office won’t stand for it, then why should musicians? Not long ago Damage Plan’s Darrel Abbott was shot dead on stage by “a fan”. When you’re in the middle of performing the last thing that should be running through you head is – I wonder if I’m going to get hurt tonight? You should be concerned with putting on a good performance so that those in attendance can enjoy themselves.

I really don’t give a damn what people believe a rock concert to entail. There is no justification for endangering others, I don’t care how much you’ve paid to get in. Would you go and see the Vancouver Symphony and throw wrenches at them? Would you throw shoes at a cardiologist performing bypass surgery? Would you throw lighters at your mailman?

I used very strong language last night because I had had enough of it. I was watching ten thousand people do one of three things – throw things, get crushed, or stand there watching it happen. So you tell me, which is worse? Doing nothing about it or me admonishing the audience?

You know, today three Palestinian teens were gunned down while trying to get a soccer ball that had been kicked into a restricted area. A soccer ball. And I’m in the wrong for wondering why kids who enjoy fantastically safe lives act like complete asses and in doing so endanger the safety of others?

A soccer ball.

No comments on this one. Don’t much care what you think.

And later in the day, obviously still not impressed by the outstanding intellectual display at ACF:

This afternoon Jen, Raymsford, Fil, and I went out to lunch. I figured that since I was a paying customer I could throw spoons and forks and water glasses at the waitress. Truns out that it's assault. Go figure. Hell, they even charged me for the ones that missed. Something about 'the intent to cause bodily harm' or some such thing.

I know, I'm as just as shocked as you are.



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